
keya February 24, 2021 9:17 pm

Although similar, i disagree with the comments saying its like cheating men must die. This is a lot slower and less satisfying aha. And it just seems like a parody

    sugsgloss March 3, 2021 11:42 am

    i haven't read cheating cheating men must die, but it's supposed to be slow. the next world will be much more satisfying, her character is supposed to be weak anyway

    LazyGoddess March 3, 2021 11:53 am

    The novel is much more satisfying to me despite the slow pace and slow leveling up once she does bit back it's satisfying as for the manga the updating is slow even though I respect the scan team for updating it's not the same as the novel shows a lot of key emotions but that is my own opinions I wouldn't compare it with cheating men must die because the fl is way more experienced then this one

    LunaticTrap March 3, 2021 5:41 pm

    I would recommend reading the novel for detailed description. It's a lot more satisfying. BUT, we're still in the first arc so yes. It is so slow and unsatisfying. What can we do? It's her first mission as a beginner. Luxia, on the other hand is already a pro transmigrator and she has the help of the system. 2333 (Ningshu's system) is not like Shushu