this fucker sleeping for 3 hours and does shit all day and still have energy enough to not...

wakusei February 24, 2021 6:19 pm

this fucker sleeping for 3 hours and does shit all day and still have energy enough to not be a zombie 18 hours after he woke up like wtf what kinda lab engineered super human is that??

    mwoa February 24, 2021 10:50 pm

    I was about to say this! How could he go to bed at 3 and then go jogging at 6.40? I sleep for only 5 hours and i have to chug at least 4 cup of coffee to stay awake

    s o r u t o c c h i February 25, 2021 2:07 am

    vol.2 confirmed, kazuhito's origins, a baby born from the lab! the couple struggles as the government tries to retrieve kazuhito as an asset, separating the two!
    ok sorry that was too extra