At the end you're the only women I loved, like she is a virgin he has new girlfriend every...

Anonymous February 24, 2021 4:05 pm

At the end you're the only women I loved, like she is a virgin he has new girlfriend every month , seems that for men sleeping around is ok as long as you don't love the other person

    Hanimoon February 24, 2021 4:55 pm

    Yeah most men think with their dicks. It's okay for the man to be a playboy and fuck whoever they want but if the woman had a few boyfriends she is no longer worthy... Knowing that there are still people who think that way makes my blood boil

    Comadrin February 25, 2021 5:14 am
    Yeah most men think with their dicks. It's okay for the man to be a playboy and fuck whoever they want but if the woman had a few boyfriends she is no longer worthy... Knowing that there are still people who th... Hanimoon

    Welcome to Harlequinworld, where women are either virgins or sluts and men are either promiscuous and experienced stud muffins or abject losers. Oh yes; and only men can use childhood trauma as an excuse for bad behavior. Luckily there are a few authors out there with more balanced perspective (not to mention better writing skills and occasionally a sense of humor) compared to this particular author.