Welcome to another round of:

Myexistenceisforshoujo February 24, 2021 2:38 pm

Crying, squealing, screeching, "Awwww"ing, and more crying. (;´༎ٹ༎`)
Haven't cried this much since Banana Fish, but at least I'm not gonna have PTSD and trust issues after this ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Momo February 25, 2021 5:47 am

    Oh my God. When I watched Banana Fish I was actually broken for a few days. That story fucked me up, but it was so good! I love it, but I think I probably should have waited for like another five years before emotionally scarring myself like that. I'm 18, but damn it's a lot to take in. TT–TT

    Ps. My favorite moment in the anime (sub) is the engrish rendition of the song Clementine while our boy was driving. I watched the whole show in one night, and that scene hit at like 5 am and I lost my shit giggling. Beautiful show. Very dark.

    Myexistenceisforshoujo February 25, 2021 4:23 pm
    Oh my God. When I watched Banana Fish I was actually broken for a few days. That story fucked me up, but it was so good! I love it, but I think I probably should have waited for like another five years before e... Momo

    100% agree with all of that. I finished in one night too and cried for a month. Literally can't watch any AMVs for it without tear... ╥﹏╥
    My favorite part is when they're in the hotel together and cuddle in the same bed after Ash gets scared. My heart... My soul... Neither could handle that.

    I'm gonna sue the author for emotional abuse tbh. She killed Ash off to "atone for his sins" LIKE WHAT SINS??? GETTING SEX TRAFFICKED ISN'T A SIN, WHAT EVEN???????

    *deep breath* but I digress...