why do u assume everyone here reads the chpt on mangago first? alot of people read it on the official website first. it just takes a smidge more effort to do so. u dont have to pay if u login on mondays for free ink gift. (alot of people dont want to bother or may not know this is an option or prefer to use their ink on a comic they like more so they read BS on here instead). dont act like this is the only way for most people to read or access BS and that the uploader is making some grand sacrifice by making sure to upload like 5 hours earlier than the og uploader was going to already. so even the lazy bitches could still read BS within 24 hrs but nah thats too long i giss~

who would buy a chapter n read it just to read it again for free? why not read it for free in the first place or just not read buy it in the first place? that’s like buying the whole death note collection just to read it again on some illegal website when u literally have the whole collection in your face

lol, for the comments duh. the comment section on here is alot more lively than the one on t a p a s. its the same reason i shared raws here. cause all the theorizing and chatting is fun to watch. even tho most of u ARE WRONG!!! lol. but yeah, thats the reason alot of people who still read on official sites come here. and ofc i cant pay for every single thing i read. and some stuff is fan translated only so thats another reason i'm here and its easy to get pulled in to other comment sections sometimes for stuff u dont even rly read yet. its like that. thats right some of us are in online spaces to interact with other people in those spaces. shocking~

the dumb person is you cause i already explained that u can log into the official website t a p a s every monday to get FREE ink which allows a person to buy 1-2 chpts of any comic u like for a slong as the ink doesnt expire (which is about 4-5 days). banana scandal releases on tuesdays. it takes almost no time or effort to do this. plenty of people sitill wont do it. well taht cant be helped. however those people can stand to wait a day or two to read the chpt then. if its that urgent for them to read it asap then they can take those 50 seconds to login and tap the cookie icon (on monday only tho) to get their free ink and then never have to open the app again except to buy their BS chpt on tuesday and check in again monday. like that was my Argument. and that those of us who read it on official site can still come here to chat with people who chose not to read it there for w/e reason i dont know y'alls lives but the fact that what i said is inconcievable to you just means you have never even once so much as looked a the official site, not made an account or spent money, yall didnt even just google the fuckin thing and glance at it or you'd know already what i was saying. its stuff like this that makes me pity author's whose work ends up here cause some of yall rly cant be bothered to make the barest minimum effort for stuff u claim to love and enjoy but have time to sit here and argue with me apparently. smh
No one has the right to attack the uploader. Like we are an illegal website, and I know damn well you still read the chapter. So everyone needs to stop acting all high and mighty because I know you aren't. Smh