Wait am I the only one who is curious about those two? I forgot their names. I'm referring...

An_OWL February 24, 2021 4:50 am

Wait am I the only one who is curious about those two? I forgot their names. I'm referring the black haired and the owner

    Tsukishima Kai March 2, 2021 12:15 am

    Hijikiri/Hijiri and Hajime? Yeah, you might be the only one. Because they were insignificant, they only caused pain to the main couple, and readers would just want to forget about their existence in the story. We all know that they played a role on getting the couple together but still, tho, but still, lol.

    ALisAnimeLover March 9, 2021 5:21 pm

    I want a sequel to see more about Hijiri's research. It looks like his goal is to remove the existence of subgenders as a whole, or that's how I interpreted it.