true that( ̄∇ ̄") this is the second BL I read where 'stop' was used as a safeword. I think the other BL is 'From Points Of Three' if I remember correctly. They also had a second safeword there which was as logical as 'stop'... Makes me doubt the existence of safewords in those comics at all. first I wondered if they decided on those safewords as some kind of joke - cause the sub would never say stop or something like that but now I'm no longer sure... as you said I guess it really is because the author's education is lacking. ( ̄∇ ̄") ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

one pair in another bdsm comic 'let' s try sm' is it's name I think used whatever colour comes to mind as a safeword. which is better than 'stop' but still not the best choice I believe since it would be quite common to mention colours for examole the word red while or after slapping or when choosing between toys of different colours or if it's hardcore 'hitting someone black and blue'... what do you think about that?

I definitely agree with you there! I think "yellow/red" are good starting points, but could get confusing at times like you said; someone could accidentally say red when talking about a part of their body. I prefer random objects like "bookmark/muffin" bc they could never get confused (unless someones having fun with muffins... not sure how they would do that though lol). I feel like you can tell pretty easily if the writers have never tried it if they use "stop" bc pleading stop but not really meaning it can be half the fun (⊙…⊙ ) but at least the thought is there
Wow its so nice to see BDSM play in a BL where there's safe words. And even a non-verbal one, too! Ive had to drop so many stories bc I can't handle the unsafe play and dub con that's so common.