no kidding

Erina Arthur February 23, 2021 7:39 pm

if i had a fight with my partner where I genuinely have no idea what i did wrong and when constantly asking they get me into a stupid guessing game i would beat the shit out of a bitch (jk) and break up with this moronic human right away (srsly) no one is a fucking mind-reader and relationships greatly rely on communication not dumb guessing

    Jorshstein February 23, 2021 7:40 pm

    They be thinking we can read the minds when we can't it's not possible

    i Am LoSt~~ February 23, 2021 7:43 pm

    I would do the same but in here yawhi fucked up for real

    Erina Arthur February 23, 2021 8:45 pm
    They be thinking we can read the minds when we can't it's not possible Jorshstein

    yes it's just so moronic and is low-key high-key toxic awful trait

    Erina Arthur February 23, 2021 8:51 pm
    I would do the same but in here yawhi fucked up for real i Am LoSt~~

    that's exaggerating to many levels yahwi was always trying and altho of the awful mistakes bec of reasons in the bigger picture of things he didn't shit treat mc if anything he got extreme trouble in conveying his feelings, understanding others and everything
    if anything Yahwi is just a big fool who needs to be taught of the basics about human relationships

    i Am LoSt~~ February 24, 2021 12:39 am
    that's exaggerating to many levels yahwi was always trying and altho of the awful mistakes bec of reasons in the bigger picture of things he didn't shit treat mc if anything he got extreme trouble in conveying ... Erina Arthur
