thinking about it logically doyoon and seungho should never ever be together considering b...

destroyer19 February 23, 2021 6:37 pm

thinking about it logically doyoon and seungho should never ever be together considering both of them are mentally unstable and are/were very dependent onto each other in a toxic manner. i’ll never forgive what seungho did cause ya know, crime and stuff, but it’s so obvious doyoon involved himself in this dependency issue with seungho and almost thrived on being seungho’s object of affections (which ofc led to the main plot). both need help but i would much rather have seungho with the manager who encourages him and helps him than... doyoon’s creepy and controlling with everyone he “cares” for ass

    destroyer19 February 23, 2021 6:41 pm

    i actually felt bad when seungho asked if doyoon missed him and he said that missing seungho didn’t matter....

    manhwafan February 23, 2021 10:38 pm
    i actually felt bad when seungho asked if doyoon missed him and he said that missing seungho didn’t matter.... destroyer19

    I really got mad when I read that part of the ch that really was so heartless and mean. I think that Seungho deserves a second chance with love and should start dating the manager but of course he can't be forgiven because what he did was not okay.

    destroyer19 February 24, 2021 5:05 am
    I really got mad when I read that part of the ch that really was so heartless and mean. I think that Seungho deserves a second chance with love and should start dating the manager but of course he can't be forg... manhwafan

    yea :/ it’s quite obvious that seungho’s a mentally fragile person who needs stability + reassurance. it’s obv he’s starting to feel something for the manager as well and i hope doyoon disappears because i think seungho deserves a second chance too! the crimes he did shouldn’t be forgotten nor completely forgiven but damn... it’s terrible to have no one by your side