Dystopian fic: note to self. That or if read from like, an anthropological pov I think I c...

red February 23, 2021 6:47 pm

Dystopian fic: note to self. That or if read from like, an anthropological pov I think I could find this bearable. Different environment, different culture etc. I just can't read this as just isekai romance bc the memory modification is just too skeevy; these are basically all just noncon. Without that there would prolly be a bunch of women, I dunno, cutting off dicks of their kidnappers lol. Elysia's whole society would just collapse. I mean, I'm all for your body, your choice. Not my jam but if you want to have multiple partners you sleep with the first time you meet them, you do you. It's not that far from what's happening in some places irl with like, Tinder hook-ups. But they might've made a different choice if their memories were intact.
