The story needs to be clear on whether it’s pedo and shotacon OR slice of life. A story can’t be shotacon or uncritical of pedophilia AND slice of life.
I don’t think it aims to be shotacon or to have paedophilic undertones. But my problem is that if it claims to be legal, then it should be consistent with what it contains. I’d only be concerned if there are inconsistencies (and I’ll rightfully voice them).
I’m only deliberating what the story is trying to give to the audience because it’s not clear on it.
If it’s a slice of life about a 5th grader’s crush on a 17-18 y/o, then the shounen ai tag needs to go. But if the romantic content in the story begins only when the younger boy is of age, then I’d be okay with the shounen ai and slice of life tag.
(And I’ll ignore how you’d defend a story if it’s pedo.)

You do understand that people are allowed to voice their opinions right? Like with that same logic, if you felt content with reading this story, you could've ignored my comment and went on your merry way. I'm not really familiar with the shotacon genre, but I am familiar with shounen ai. I was just saying how weird it was to have a romantic tag on a story about a little boy and a teen... I was also commenting on how weird the comment section was for intentionally lewding a kid. If you have a problem with me speaking out on that... sorry to break it to you but, ur weird.
Something about this having the shounen ai tag just feels wrong... Like mans is in 5th grade, let's just call this a slice of life mate. Also y'alls inner pedo is showing in these comment, stop wishing for the boy to grow up just so he can get railed... It's f%cking weird.