River SHOULD have said; don’t kill the people, burn down her temples and all the plants!...

Moon Pies February 23, 2021 3:17 pm

River SHOULD have said; don’t kill the people, burn down her temples and all the plants! I think that would have went over smoother

    BeeHive February 23, 2021 3:31 pm

    Nah they can rebuild the temple and grow back the plants but if a god lose follower they will lost their power and might even lost their existence

    Moon Pies February 23, 2021 3:38 pm

    Yes, but that’s the strategy Lari has been taking. Her power is directly connected to the environment, so followers give her even MORE power but the environment is the core of that power. That being said, burning temples makes it harder for people to give tribute and pray to her (like she did with the gods that wouldn’t follow her) and burning major forest will weaken her power. We know this bc the reason why she’s on this rampage now is bc humans were destroying the Earth and it was hurting her.