Complete Summery for the Confused (Heavy Spoilers)

monkey88 February 23, 2021 8:31 am

So if you're like most people reading this, you've gotten lost somewhere along the way or are otherwise confused of just what is happening...well here is my detailed spoiler filled summery to help out.

So once upon a time there was a man named Solomon who had the ability to summon and bind demons (old biblical fable irl) but when he died, his descendant received the same power, albeit weaker. This brings us to about 20 years prior to our story when the two current descendants of Solomon named Maeve (older brother) and Reeve (younger brother) are the main heirs. Unfortunately, the family has taken a turn for the worse with the brother's being forced to do sick jobs like murdering a whole clan of demons for the sake of experimentations. This puts Reeve, the most gifted of the 2 brothers, at odds and his one wish is to escape and be free from this fate. To accomplish this, Reeve continued to obey his family and at the behest of an angel, put its spirit into a human girl--completing the experiment his family had been working on. Finally granted freedom, Reeve is able to live peacefully with this spirit/angel named Wicca when Reeve stumbled upon our MC, the demon Aamon trapped in a wolf's body.

With mixed feelings of pity and scientific curiosity, Reeve puts Aamon's soul into a human (where he gets the vessel or even if there actually was a human used is not said) and over time they form a Soul Contract and fall in love, essentially binding their souls so neither fades for good until both die. It was around this time that Maeve visited his brother Reeve but was followed unknowingly. The follower was a member of the family under orders to kill Reeve for being a "traitor" as he had stopped doing the missions assigned to him (he left home and became free but never got to stop) and became lovers with a demon. Reeve is killed and Maeve is so distraught that he goes through great lengths to force Reeve's soul (only a fragment remains) into his own son Hawthorne. Now Aamon as a 5 year old (how he goes from being a full-grown demon lover of Reeve to being in a child's human body after Reeve dies is also not mentioned) is living with Wicca as his big sister as she promised Reeve to protect him. For the next 15 years, our Aamon grows up as Taylor, attends college, and makes friends. Now 20 years old, Taylor is suddenly summoned by the NEW REEVE (Hawthorne) in order to stop his little brother (Murphy--younger son of Maeve) from going against the head of the family (Maeve from before).

From this point on, the story starts with Taylor and Reeve (Hawthorne) getting closer as Taylor tries to figure out what's happening. First, he's attacked by his roommate who turns out to be the brother of an experimented demon and a survivor of a massacred demon clan. Then he's attacked by NReeve/Hawthorne's younger brother (Murphy) who uses a demon to freeze time in an attempt to kill Taylor as doing so would free Hawthorne's body of Uncle Reeve's spirit since that spirit is kept alive via it's link with Taylor. When this fails and Taylor begins to understand just who and what he is, Maeve sends his own demon (Noah) to stop Taylor from interfering and bring NReeve/Hawthorne to him so he can finally sacrifice Hawthorne's soul and replace it with the original Reeve. This is viewed by all MC's as freaking bonkers (because it is) and after a team effort to stop Maeve failed, Taylor uses a soul-cutting sword to sever his link to his demon side--effectively becoming human as his demon spirit returns to Hell (he wanted this). Maeve is basically absorbed by Noah as a price and with Wicca having kept Taylor safe--she chooses to go back to Heaven. The story ends with Taylor, now fully human opening his eyes to see Reeve...but since the connection between Reeve and Aamon was severed, the man looking back down is actually the original body's owner Hawthorne! Taylor confesses his feelings and is shocked when Hawthorne returns them. The end~

-For what it's worth, the last page of the last chapter (60) it shows that Taylor is *Scared* when Hawthorne says "Okay" to them living on together. I am almost certain this would be better translated as *Shocked* as that seems to be more accurate. I hope this long summery helped to understand things you may have missed~

    Ai Enma March 18, 2021 4:45 am

    This is so helpful Thank you!
    I was confused by the *scared* reaction and thought that Reeve's soul was the one that remained.

    monkey88 March 18, 2021 6:44 am
    This is so helpful Thank you!I was confused by the *scared* reaction and thought that Reeve's soul was the one that remained. Ai Enma

    Glad this was helpful! The last part with the *scared* reaction is open for debate but it seemed to point to it being Hawthorne with that sole exception so honestly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    monkey88 March 18, 2021 6:47 am
    Glad this was helpful! The last part with the *scared* reaction is open for debate but it seemed to point to it being Hawthorne with that sole exception so honestly ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ monkey88

    rereading that end without rose-colored honestly seems like it might have been Reeve's soul after all. Still, up for debate but damn author, really?

    Ai Enma March 18, 2021 12:22 pm

    But it really makes more sense for it to be Hawthorne's soul due to the severed connection thingy between Aamon and Reeve that makes their souls to finally rest in peace wherever their soul is, unless the author is just being plain cruel if it's indeed Reeve

    monkey88 March 18, 2021 7:47 pm
    But it really makes more sense for it to be Hawthorne's soul due to the severed connection thingy between Aamon and Reeve that makes their souls to finally rest in peace wherever their soul is, unless the auth... Ai Enma

    Exactly. I headcannon it's Hawthorne but as for what the author who knows.