Scary ppl

littleBIGaLeXg February 23, 2021 4:31 am

Y'all, I hate Trashta and all but some of you ppl are kinda crazy. I'm too scared to look at the comment section ngl.

I don't mind that you guys wish for her death or whatever, I wish that bitch could die in a gutter but it's not right to bring rape into this.

Saying things like, 'Oh but she's a slut who wants to get fucked' or 'I hope that bitch gets raped or gangbanged' kinda undermines rape itself. I know I'm always saying it's just a story blah blah but this is about people commenting carelessly not the story itself.

I mean, if you can hate a non-exsitent woman to the point of wishing she'd be raped, how do you think about real life bitches? Why. Want them to be raped too? Rude.

Also the Emperor is just as much as a slut as Trashta so why is nobody wishing he'd get raped? And don't bring the, 'oh but that can't happen' shit to me. Bitches in the comments always complaining about how society treat women then call other women sluts and wish for them to be raped. If you want equal rights call emperor dude a slut and wish for him to be raped too fucker.

Anyway, I know people will keep saying she should get fucked but if even one person realises how stupid their comment was then that's fine. I might even get hate just because I'm worried about how irl people do be thinking about women but whatever.

If you read this, even if you disagree, you're a real g.

PS: If you want to disagree with me in the replies, do it nicely else I won't even bat an eyelid at your comment. Idm swearing and such but don't go full ape shit on me, I'm just giving an opinion lmaoo

    Trash February 23, 2021 4:56 am

    omg I didn't even know that people were wishing her to get raped that's fucked up

    TBH I really hate her but I wouldn't wish that on anyone fictional or nonfictional

    littleBIGaLeXg February 23, 2021 10:59 am
    omg I didn't even know that people were wishing her to get raped that's fucked up TBH I really hate her but I wouldn't wish that on anyone fictional or nonfictional Trash


    Ok side note, rereading my comment now, I'm even scared of myself. 5am me with 4 subject homeworks due was really crazy... Sorry to anyone who couldn't read it because of all the swearing ( ̄∇ ̄")

    But my point still stands! XD