Man This is wrong but..

Uzz February 24, 2021 11:30 pm

Handcuffs,Rape act like you hate me but lowkey wanna date me is what this is in a nutshell. And honestly I'm into the handcuffs and chains but- the RAPE why. WHYY I say. ╥﹏╥ (edit:pls the fact I'm still getting notifications)

    Babebladez February 23, 2021 4:12 am

    It actually wasn’t rape this time

    Uzz February 23, 2021 4:14 am
    It actually wasn’t rape this time Babebladez

    Oop really? Mb gotta reread

    Babebladez February 23, 2021 4:15 am
    Oop really? Mb gotta reread Uzz

    The guy asked to be fucked
    The dude said no
    They confessed feelings
    They then fucked
    It wasn’t rape there was consent I’m actually tired of people throwing the word around

    Babebladez February 23, 2021 4:16 am
    The guy asked to be fuckedThe dude said noThey confessed feelingsThey then fuckedIt wasn’t rape there was consent I’m actually tired of people throwing the word around Babebladez

    Nevermind you apologised I’m sorry lol

    An Absolute Unit February 23, 2021 5:24 am
    The guy asked to be fuckedThe dude said noThey confessed feelingsThey then fuckedIt wasn’t rape there was consent I’m actually tired of people throwing the word around Babebladez

    He was imprisoned, it was consent given under coercion which isn’t valid. So it’s rape.

    tsubasacrazy February 23, 2021 5:50 am
    He was imprisoned, it was consent given under coercion which isn’t valid. So it’s rape. An Absolute Unit

    Yup that was shockholm syndrome. The only way to get out of that situation he had to ask the guy to fuck him or he would still be chain up. He got manipulated into lusting and loving him.

    tsubasacrazy February 23, 2021 5:51 am
    He was imprisoned, it was consent given under coercion which isn’t valid. So it’s rape. An Absolute Unit

    Yup that was stockholm syndrome. The only way to get out of that situation he had to ask the guy to fuck him or he would still be chain up. He got manipulated into lusting and loving him.

    hHmmMmm February 24, 2021 6:13 am
    Yup that was shockholm syndrome. The only way to get out of that situation he had to ask the guy to fuck him or he would still be chain up. He got manipulated into lusting and loving him. tsubasacrazy

    He literally liked since highschool. I'm not sure how much stockholm syndrome goes but the gist is false idea of falling in love, can you even get jealous with that and not just any stranger but a mutual friend for DECADES. Cmon are we disregarding the fact that he literally FREAKED OUT just not finding his friend beside him on a high school?????

    An Absolute Unit February 24, 2021 2:57 pm
    He literally liked since highschool. I'm not sure how much stockholm syndrome goes but the gist is false idea of falling in love, can you even get jealous with that and not just any stranger but a mutual friend... hHmmMmm

    That doesn’t mean he can illegally imprison him... or force him to “want” to have sex.

    Uzz February 24, 2021 11:30 pm

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