I mean yeah you have a point but its still a bitchy move to tell someone they have to give up someone because they said so it pisses you off when someone you considered a friend tells you “ you know what i like him more than you do so you HAVE to give him to me cuz im a princess” i mean Ayne basically protected her from being society’s target of bullying and she wants to take Ayne’s fiancé they’re still engaged so its shitty to hear

Completely agree. The princess cannot be considered a friend if she’s doing that to Ayne. I honestly feel bad for the duke cause they’re probably gonna end up together and he’s gonna be marrying a snake. I don’t want him ending up with ayne but he should a least be with someone whose a good person. Anyways the princess is annoying I need her to die or never been seen again so I can focus on the development with ayne and jay.
The princess is a bitch she tried to break off Aynes engagement by telling Ayne that she was in love with the duke like ummm chile are you good? Like Ayne literally defended her and now she wants Aynes Fiancé okay snake bitch.