Dude.. in order to "protect her" they ignored her for most of her life, took away everything she liked, forced her to corssdress and work under the father. Then when she is an adult they desided they knew what was best for her... drugged her upt her on a ship, forcfully married her and dumped her and her "Husbad" whom they also druged and fored to be married on a deserted islands inbued with magic. No help, no servants, only suplies being dumped and a lestter saying "we will let you leave onece you have precured an heir"... like wtf.. you are telling two stangers that were drugged and kidnaped and dumped on a deserted island to have a kid if they wana come home.. and then when they do come home the parents are like "if you touched my daughter ill kill you" ... they literaly told them to fuck and have a kid and now they are protecting and their only exuse for teaming up with the person that wants FL and Ml dead is "it was for your own good, and it was to protect you".... How is that not worse than bad parenting? Her parents literaly SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN PARENTS!

ok chill a little first i never said that their parenting is good i just said that its not the worst cuz
adele got kidnapped when she was young and the person who brought her just gave her a role to act and told her to do whatever he wants to or he wiould kill her, and whenever she disobeyed he locked her in a room with no light full of dirt and bugs and fed her for 3 or for days in a week and abused her whenever she tried to do sth
maximillan was always abused by the duke his father and always been treated like a trash, she couldnt even go outside cuz she was a disgrace to her family, she couldnt even talk properly, she treated like a maid all the time and duke arrenged a marriage to a man and when she had a miscarriage the duke beat her to death and told her she should die lord knows if her husband didnt arrived on time she would be death
Penelope parents treat her like a trash in both worlds, in real life she only eat rotten rice and even got beaten up for it, abused, bullied by her own family, she didnt even have a place to sleep comfortable and when she found a place she got a stomach cancer because of eating rotten food all the time and not eating enough which put her to coma, and in reincarnated life her family actually kills her and when she got poisoned by her sister the family defends the sister and accused penelope for trying to put the blame on her sister by nearly dying
and here you are trying to tell me what you are saying is the worst parenting hell yeah it was not great pretty shitty actually but compared to those its not the worse dude

dude.. try taken a massive look at the difrences of the "time Periods" of those character...This one is prety much "the modern world" but with magic.. and your saying that by todays standards neglecting your kid, druging themm, forcfully marrying them, kidnapping them, abandoning them on a deserted place with the instruction "give us a grandchild or your stuck here until you die" and then acthing all parentlike while having worked together with the person whom is the biggest danger to your life.. and all because "we were protecting you".. That is beyond messed up parenting in a society with magic social media, cars and modern tech and standards run by magic.
The other mangas you mention allmost all take place during the reneconse aera where it was normal to kill or abandon a child that was worthless to you or even sell them off. There is a massive difrence in the standards of typical human rights and treatment in theese mangas!

have u finally gone mad? penelope was living in a real world the world you are in, she was living in it but those things happened, and how can you say that the time change those things doesnt even matter well i dont think YOU are worth arguing right now cuz i am in schock and i dont even want to reply someone who thinks that those parentings are ok because of the timezone just to protect her bratty fl who cant even go a week without magic device, you just pretty disgust me right now so do not even reply and just go and take a look at your rotten ideas

Lets see (Please Throw Me Away), FL is a orphan whos parents or caretakers died from a mysterious desease, she is then adoptetd by a Duke to replace his dead daughter. (so yes she is an orphand but she is the lucky one that gets taken in by a nobefamily) Also ADOPTED so NOT HER PARENTS. She was adopted to be a Tool, Ofcorse she id going to have a hard life. But oh no she gets killed and magicaly gets resurected and brought back in time with a second chance...Oh and also.. i have read this one... and she her life was not miserable.. she got the chance to do it all over again..
Lets see (Under The Oak Tree) Fl's father is the dead of the church or a high ranker in it.. (fun fact.. in 90% of mangas the church is petymuch run by greedy corrupt powerhungry ppl who uses saints and belittles their own children). So she was raised prety normal under that guyse. Not only did she marry a guy who became a hero, but he also saves her and is loving to her... Her biggest hurdle is a selfconfidence and lack of trust.. So.. what about her life was so hard, who betrayed her, who tried to kill her?
Lets see (Death Is the Only Ending For the Villainess) First off FL..ISNT THEIR CHILD, she was adopted to fill the void left by their daughter vanishing, on top of that this is a "Reincarnated into a game as the villainess" Meaning yes the "villainess" was mistreated in the game and neglected, but her actions were also a cause to this like fx, going up into the attic and praying that her adoptive familys real daughter would never returne and wanting her dead. She was also cold and mean to others.. Only when FL became her did it all start to change. Yes she was mistreated and fed rotten food.. BUT ITS A GAME CHARACTER, Otome games normaly write a "torture, driven mad with envy Villainess"... Modern LOGC and standards do not aply.
Revenge Wedding is a modern magic world, where magic tools and magic socialmedia is common, take away all the "magic" and its the modern wolrd is not a bit into the future with all the tech. They also have simular laws to us. Most of the magas you mentioned only have laws that protect "nobels" and take place in Era's of OUR history where this was the norm. Or in games where there is no logic just badly ridden character backstories with many plot holes.
If you wana compare parenting, GO FIND A MANGA THAT HAS A SIMULARE PREMMIS.
I can also compare Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami's Backstory to one of theese, and yet they have no equal ground to stand on.

omg just shut up i told you that i do not want to talk to you, and even if i tried to make you understand it you would never understand them cuz you only have one opinion in mind and i feel like i am talking to a rock. so just cut the conversation here and i dont want to hear any of you bullshit ok am i clear? you are a person who thinks being betrayed is worse than being abused and i really wish you to stop talking at this point
anddd just saying even if you post 30000 replies i am not replying ever again so keep talking to yourself ok
people are saying this parents are the worst yeah they are not the best but do you know Adele's Maxi's Penelope's parents (Please Throw Me Away) (Under The Oak Tree) (Death Is the Only Ending For the Villainess) and more... so i suggest you to stop saying her parents are the Worst yeah they are pretty bad but not the worst