Just a heads up for you...
Being in a relationship doesn't make you entitled to have sex with your partner, that's the basics of consent, you are sounding like an incel
She wasn't leading him (cheating emotionally? maybe to certainly), she wasn't comfortable or didn't want to have sex with her ex... that's what matters, and the other party MUST respect that
If she had sex after breaking up and lost her virginity to another guy is completely unrelated to the said ex, the whole situation may be frustrating but her body is hers to to give to whoever she wants and agrees to have sex with, that trashy ex wasn't entitled to sex then and he has no right to punch a pregnant woman in the face, that is called assault.
She doesn't "deserve" that punch either because it's the same as being punished for using your rights to refuse something, so basically (in MY understanding of YOUR judgement) the situation of her not being able to refuse would be: unwillinly have sex (which is rape due to coercion) because the ex is being patient and he "deserves" it or a "rightful" assault for refusing and having freedom over her own body
All three are trash and I think I can understand the second ML a bit in some way she deserved to be punched he was nice enough to only punch her once I condemn violence most of the time but I think people who cheat or lead people on like this ( I'm your fiancee let's wait till we are married sees boss one night stand Really bitch) deserve it like he said people like her should rot in hell on the other end both male lead deserve prison for attempted rape