but now the good translators have to go through the tedious work of taking down the bad translations and putting up there. all that work can be really disheartening, so there are people who stand up for them. people who actually want to read the comic.
if i wanted bad translations i can just use google trans and a raw website

U do have a point tbh but complaining about it won't help unless they actually take it down(?) I don't really know how these work but one thing for sure is I do feel really bad for the first translators I'm sure they worked really hard for this but it's honestly between them, what can we do? We're merely illegal readers here. If y'all want good translators then maybe it's a good thing to wait for the official translation of this manhwa.

'If ya'll want good translators then wait'
Why would I wait when the scan team did a very good job? Of course I don't mind paying for official websites, but specifically here, why would i want to push away some very good translators and wait when, again, someone already did some amazing work translating?
sure, don't complain about bad translations. I don't really care.
but advocating for better translations? that, to me, is where it's at
for all you brats complaining about the translation and being rude when you're reading illegally and for free STFU and read in silence or don't read at all.