some of u r so weird wtf No One deserves to be raped it doesn't matter what he did. its not abt being sad about him hes a scum but like this isnt cool or karma.. the main couple already have so many scenes with dub-con and now this.. Why
you’re dumb, it doesn’t matter if its real or fake, doesn’t change the fact that your rooting for a person to get raped just bc their a bad person tOaStY
I read worse books north american novels than this. Its fake, a fantasy world! Its not healthy to mix a book with real life.
some of u r so weird wtf No One deserves to be raped it doesn't matter what he did. its not abt being sad about him hes a scum but like this isnt cool or karma.. the main couple already have so many scenes with dub-con and now this.. Why