Where is the tragedy tag warning??

Xian Yi Xi February 21, 2021 9:40 pm

Since there was no tragedy tagged, i thought we gonna have a good ending but ......
This story is so messed up but i kinda like it a lot. Didn't expected such plot twist.

I was so ready to hate Zach for not choosing Hare and then killing him like that but then it turn out that that was just an illusion ...... well done playing with my heart.
I really love Hare and his love for Zach (can't believe it was just an illusion) and as Zach said, Jason is not Hare..... I fucking hate jason and his halfassed action. I was so angry at zach for not choosing hare and choose his father and money but this was actually done by the real Jason ...... also Wasn't he was the one to make the first move and then left uke...... how dare he come back and say shit like "i love you too". Fucking bastard after Abandoning him you have the audacity to say that you actually waited for him? WTF (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Now that i think about Hare being all illusion of Zach, it's so sad and miserable. He died alone thinking he was together with hare....... I can't stop crying. I don't know which hurt me the most ..... Hare being an illusion or Zach tragedy.
