It's been 2 years (re-read)

Aoi February 21, 2021 7:00 pm

But I'm still unsatisfied with the story about Yasu and Tsubasa like what's happening? Did I missed something..

Goddamn it you two, just lez us see you confess your love already then fvck the end..

But what I only understand bout them is they're childhood friends obviously Tsubasa likes Yasu but it seems to me there is something stopping Tsubasa from confessing. I think both of them like each other too. While Yasu is being pissed of how of a coward Tsubasa is, like Yasu thinks like "just fvking confess already or not and get on with it"

I also think the reason Yasu punched Tsubasa is how his pissed of Tsubasa reluctantness on saying his feelings maybe...

I mean it's just a guess because daaamn they had so much little exposure.. Do they have a spin-off or something? The last time I've checked there was none.. lmao
