And because I forgot to add. Her slapping him because of what he said but the whole marria...

Raimey February 21, 2021 6:53 pm

And because I forgot to add. Her slapping him because of what he said but the whole marriage thing? Her anger should not have been directed at him when she should’ve done was called her father and bitched him out. How is it his fault that he decided screw it I guess we have to get married because these things that I worked super hard for can go up in flames because of your piece of garbage father and because you decided you were going to insert yourself in my life no matter what despite the fact that I wanted nothing to do with you. Like the slab is undeserved. I really hate this. How is he wrong for saying what he said? Her father is a criminal she is the daughter of a criminal. He was a popper, he was made homeless and his mother died because they were so poor and she had to work yourself to the bone to support him and his sister because he, with great regret I’m assuming now, was too naïve and fell in love with a rich girl. Like where did he lie and how was he wrong? Of course his reputation is something he hast to take into account. He didn’t come from money everything he has he worked for so in order to maintain it he needs to have a good upstanding reputation especially because he has to fight against the reputation he had before. Like. Wtf.
