... this is LITERALLY the only instance where the Male Lead is too good for the Female Lea...

Raimey February 21, 2021 6:49 pm

... this is LITERALLY the only instance where the Male Lead is too good for the Female Lead. If they were together and knew and loved eachother, if she knew what people thought of him having been poor and I’m assuming because he is of Latin descent so people were racist towards him, if she knew this and probably knew what her father would react like then why would she believe her dad about the rumors especially if she herself hadn’t heard them before? She shamelessly throws herself at him for her fathers sake like their past means anything and inserts herself in his life meanwhile he’s trying to create and air of distance that she’s not respecting.

He saves her I like that but to hear his friend say that he never approved and what’s worse but for ML to automatically assume its because of my background (where I mention that he was poor and that he’s Latino) and his friend is like you won’t make her happy. Bullshit. It was exactly what ML meant. You don’t think I’ll make her happy because I used to be poor, because I am understandably touchy about that and prickly with the past I have with her and her father, who tossed us out because I, as a teenager, dated his teenage daughter while being Latino and poor, and my mother, my poor mother worked herself to the bone after we were made homeless and neglected herself and died as a result.


ML deserved better than the annoying and frankly naive FL. Oh, if I agree with my father and try my best to be there for him and love him without fault and if people saw that and loved and agreed with him too then I wouldn’t have to try so hard. Yeah, that’s a bullshit excuse. Apologize to the man you wronged by not standing up for him and his family and move on. Thing is his mother still would have died, they still would have been tossed out but an attempt to stand up for him would have made the difference and would not have made them getting back together to so annoying.

So this is the one time ML is better than the FL by leagues and he deserved better than shitty friends. Oh I don’t think you’ll make her happy that’s why I don’t approve. No dude your racism is showing your classism is showing.I hate this story because of those little tidbits. They could have been easily overlooked but I noticed and I hate it.
