So - since Portrait in Blue was released in 2006 and Bi no Isu in 2008 - HERE is Kabu's fi...

Meta January 23, 2016 5:19 pm

So - since Portrait in Blue was released in 2006 and Bi no Isu in 2008 - HERE is Kabu's first appearance. I feel so excited hahaha :D
Yeah, Kabu just absolutely stole this show :)

I really like Setsu. He just enjoyed sex - not like 90% of ukes in BL world - Setsu knew what he wanted and just did it, without playing shy, struggling and crying "no no don't" while panting and getting more excited ( ̄∇ ̄")
And I also don't understand Andou's decision about breaking up. I suppose, that even Andou himself didn't really understand, what was in his mind/heart (≧∀≦)
