Sneak peak from the special booklet that will release on feb 27

    Anonymous January 23, 2016 12:57 pm


    Anonymous January 23, 2016 3:25 pm

    LMAO last time it was salarymen now it's video shop workers (is it?) hahahah. Awww man, I was hoping for a realistic story but well this looks hilarious also. Actually sensei has many new ideas for brand new mangas which she could have created and all probably would have been amazing. But I'm just glad she stuck with VF so long, so what's the harm in her exploring other story lines using her beloved characters. It's fun :) thanks for sharing here!

    Anoni Grrl January 23, 2016 6:07 pm

    Looks fun. I can't read Japanese--is it certain they are in a video store or could they be at a convention where fans could talk to them?

    Romanceisdead69 January 23, 2016 7:00 pm

    I have a feeling that this extra may be *so* cute that our ovaries may finally explode.

    Anon January 23, 2016 7:03 pm

    At the risk of being downvoted within an inch of my life and most likely insulted (coz that's how the VF fans on this page roll, either you're with them or against them) I don't get this sudden obsession Yamane Ayano seems to have developed with AU extras and frankly, I don't like it. I don't wanna see them as manager and employee, comicbook store employees, what's next, Asami working at a pet shop?! I miss the extras where they were Akihito and Asami, photographer and businessman. These cutesy AU extras come across as very forced to me, making the characters lose their charm.

    Anonymous January 23, 2016 7:15 pm

    If the translation is anything to go by, these 'store clerk' versions of Asami and Aki are for special edition cards sold at certain comic stores (like Toranoana) I dont think it's the actual focus of the extra. Sensei will probably keep that a secret until release day.

    Anonymous January 23, 2016 7:18 pm
    At the risk of being downvoted within an inch of my life and most likely insulted (coz that's how the VF fans on this page roll, either you're with them or against them) I don't get this sudden obsession Yamane... @Anon

    Rest assured, you are not the only person who has that opinion.

    misekatte January 23, 2016 7:36 pm
    At the risk of being downvoted within an inch of my life and most likely insulted (coz that's how the VF fans on this page roll, either you're with them or against them) I don't get this sudden obsession Yamane... @Anon

    I won't down vote you, as I agree. I would rather see a continuation of the VF tale than an AU story. Mind you, I did like the early one just after Asami rescued Aki and they spent time in a lovely vacation hot spot.

    Anoni Grrl January 23, 2016 7:47 pm
    At the risk of being downvoted within an inch of my life and most likely insulted (coz that's how the VF fans on this page roll, either you're with them or against them) I don't get this sudden obsession Yamane... @Anon

    See--once in a while people are nice here. : ) It's not just because many agree with you. I think most people here are actually nice, it's just that sometimes some people are so passionate they come across as rather aggressive.

    Anonymous January 23, 2016 7:47 pm
    At the risk of being downvoted within an inch of my life and most likely insulted (coz that's how the VF fans on this page roll, either you're with them or against them) I don't get this sudden obsession Yamane... @Anon

    I don't like the office fantasies, either, but there has only been one of those. The other started off as Akihito's dream and shifted back to the real story when he regained consciousness. And we don't know yet if these images are from the extra or not, so it's a little early to say you're tired of something that has only happened once.

    LadyLigeia January 23, 2016 8:01 pm
    Rest assured, you are not the only person who has that opinion. @Anonymous

    Me too. :)

    Puulpies January 23, 2016 8:42 pm

    Wild Viewfinder x Sekaiichi Hatsukoi cross-over appared lmfao

    Anon January 23, 2016 9:10 pm

    Oh well, this is a nice surprise. I didn't think even one person here would share my distate of AU extras. Well, when it comes to Akihito, he's a cutie pie, he fits into pretty much every scenario as long as he retains his uke qualities, but as far as I see it, Asami's personality does not mesh well with AUs. To me, he'll always be Asami Ryuichi, Alpha male/shady entrepreneur. But these are just my two cents, got nothin' against those who love AU extras.

    @misekatte: YES, I would love another extra where they're lovey dovey with each other, you're right, the Bali chapter was just lovely. And the fireworks one. And the one where Aki makes Asami watch that horror movie and Asami's like ''what the fuck is this?!''. Priceless. Extras where they get to be a surprisingly normal couple, independent of their crazy day-to-day life. I'm a sucker for those.

    @Anoni Grrl: Oh yes, there are a lot of reallly nice people here, but a lot of rude ones also. And I don't think it's out of passion for this manga, it seems like some just live to disagree. Violently. While coming up with all sorts of creative insults. But...I guess I can say things are better now? The troll invasion from a couple of years ago was disturbing.

    Mia January 23, 2016 9:16 pm

    LOL, yes to this crossover, but only if Ritsu and Takano were drawn by Yamane-sensei. Just take a moment to visualize the hotness.

    Anonymous January 23, 2016 9:29 pm
    If the translation is anything to go by, these 'store clerk' versions of Asami and Aki are for special edition cards sold at certain comic stores (like Toranoana) I dont think it's the actual focus of the extra... @Anonymous

    Oh okay! That makes better sense! Thank you!

    Anonymous January 24, 2016 9:54 pm

    My favorite extras are when Akihito gets the upper hand over Asami.
    I don't mind the AU extras (even the 3-way and bondage which I can't stand) because Yamane makes them act OOC and having Asami draw a forrest fairy is amusing to me. Yamane is shows her flexibility as a story teller and even if something isn't personally to my taste, I can appreciate the quality and diversity of Yamane's stories.