the mage she met at that ball or party told her that he could reverse time and it would cause him extreme pain and the one asking fro time to be reversed to lose all their memories and i think he might've mentioned the person in question having time reversed for them would have memories of it seeing as how he has memories of the past as well, but i don't think he remembers who asked him to.

I'm reading so many of these stories I confuse them all the time lol
I remember now that u mentioned it, but didn't the mage say he let's the one that reverses time choose who remembers? Like that was why he looked for her, bc she remembered the past so she could tell him why he did it or something like that no?
Well, whatever, still doesn't make sense how the father didn't just keep his memories and fixed everything by himself tho. Does he like, actually care for her or what's going on??? I don't understand why he choose for her to keep her memories honestly but he's kinda sus Idk can't trust him

yeah yeah i remember that now xD I think he decided for her to keep her memories because if she hadn't and time was reversed for her it would just go the same way it went before, with keira dying being called the 'fake' and cosette being called the 'real'. i mean regardless he's still a shit father, he had ample opportunity to talk to her even if she didn't want to talk to him.

So basically he's a jerk and he would still be a jerk to her own daughter even knowing that she's the real one?? But Keira was still devoted to him until her death wasn't she? I mean he's starting to like get shocked bc Keira is finally trying to become independent of him but still, Idk I think it would have been easier if he just like, chased away the fake one by conserving his memories? I feel like I'm missing something here xD
Only thing I have clear it that the dad is a jerk lol

Hhmmm... I'm actually curious about that, too. The only thing I'd think of was that if he let Keira take care of her destiny then maybe she can awaken her powers or something like that? Since him remembering the things that happened can't really help her in anyway to awaken her powers and the only thing he remembers was being a stupid sht and taking care of that blonde btch while neglecting his real daughter. Maybe he doesn't like the guilt lmao

Aaaah that makes sense, like, now Keira knows way earlier that she has her powers and maybe she could awaken them earlier and about the guilt, maybe he does feel guilty??? But he treated her so badly, like, when cosette arrives he literally said "I don't care which one is the real one" like, dude, keria literally lived with you since she was born and did everything she could to be an ideal daughter for you, and that's what u say when that guy who hasn't been in your house for years suddenly appears with a girl u have never seen? I mean, he might feel guilty but I honestly don't wanna belive that it's bc he actually loved Keira but because he realized he lost Keira's power. He's starting to act like he cares just now when she actually told him "fuck you" and started to do whatever she wanted.
Ps. Sorry for the long reply, I started to get intense in the middle of it lol

Ikr? What a jerk, I don't think he deserves a redemption so I hope Keira keeps treating him as cold as he treated her until the end, that's what he deserves ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Those ml are so annoying, I read today "I don't love you anymore" too and I swear to God these characters are just there to be annoying.
Okay but if he was the one that reversed the time why didn't he choose to keep his own memories and treat her daughter better and make the fake one go away????? It would have been easier than just give Keira her memories and forget everything, what if he didn't get those deja vu? Even if keria could take care of herself he has 0 reasons to be confident that she was gonna be alright????? Idk if I'm missing something I'm just really confused rn