I usually feel bad for the FL whenever the ML is a (potentially) certified yandere nutso. ...

arebg452 February 21, 2021 12:29 am

I usually feel bad for the FL whenever the ML is a (potentially) certified yandere nutso. But in this case, Charlize has raised this poor kid into a yandere herself, while fully conscious of doing it too, so you know what, I'm not even sorry for what's coming at her. Honestly I'm glad that she will get her revenge on all the b*stards that hurt her for centuries, but if she's made her bed with this kid's education, I say be prepared to lie on it, mah gurl, because things will start to get dicey from now on.

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 February 21, 2021 1:21 am

    Yes... She did not weigh on the consequences of her plan and manipulating the ML will be her downfall

    arebg452 February 21, 2021 9:33 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Iphis

    I haven't said the prince wouldn't be a yandere on his own right. But she deliberately directed his yandere tendencies toward herself. That is what I mean when I say she made her bed. There are plenty of heroines that have yandere MLs but they usually try to make them curve their tendencies and become more normal and less obsessive. Charlize went the opposite way. She purposely made herself into the only person in the prince's eyes in order to use him to her full advantage. which I have no problem with because as you said, he agreed and with his IQ we can say he was probably cognizant enough to say no if he hadn't want to. But that doesn't change what Charlize did. My point is that one cannot have their cake and eat it too. She can have her revenge all she wants, but dealing with the consequences of the beast she unleashed will also be a thing she'll have to do. Expecting to simply set off somewhere and live in peace the rest of her life is a pipe dream at this point, but, unlike with other FLs dealing with Yanderes, I don't feel sorry for her. She chose this. She needs to deal with it.

    arebg452 February 21, 2021 10:54 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Iphis

    Oh! I see. Well, I still want them to get a happy ending so I guess I don't care either way, but I would've liked to see some acknowledgement on her part that she did her best to turn this kid into not a very good person. But I'm a big sucker for yanderes either way, so I guess I'll just enjoy it instead.