Is there a point to this? It's painful watching a mostly great dom expected to change who ...

Sephielya February 20, 2021 10:42 pm

Is there a point to this? It's painful watching a mostly great dom expected to change who he is just because a vanilla dude likes him.

    Thebunbun February 22, 2021 9:51 pm

    To be honest I have to agree, as much as I do enjoy the relationship between them it’s quite difficult to care about especially when he already made it clear from the beginning he wanted it to stay clear from any romantic feelings and was expecting his partner to respect it through out their ds relationship

    Sephielya February 23, 2021 12:58 pm

    I understand getting romantic feelings. But letting someone hurt you while they believe it's mutually wanted and enjoyed is awful to the dom/top too. They deserve someone who shares their preferences and kink, not someone trying to manipulate them into a relationship they don't want AND can't be kinky!

    Thebunbun February 23, 2021 4:15 pm
    I understand getting romantic feelings. But letting someone hurt you while they believe it's mutually wanted and enjoyed is awful to the dom/top too. They deserve someone who shares their preferences and kink, ... Sephielya

    I agree 100%