You think dating an 18 year old makes you a pedo then you do not know what pedo means. Im 19 speaking on behalf of the kid's perfectly normal and acceptable feelings love which you are all to happy to dismiss because O HES 18!! His feelings and emotions dont matter amirite? You are basically saying that he is not allowed to be in this relationship, it's illegal (no it's not lmao) and on the same level as murder and assault. I sure hope you don't truly think that.

They essentially tried to be an “adult” about it and resorted to insults when they weren’t coming out on top. The argument that just runs in circles. I don’t mind the age gap because it’s a fictional story and if it was in real life then it would depend on circumstances.
I know people who are way older than their years and people who should be mature but aren’t. Essentially I try not to judge until I know more about someone’s situation, especially if it’s a happy and healthy relationship With an age gap And they met earlier on. I completely get the discomfort but that also disregards other cultures and other normalcies.
And resorting to calling someone a Pedo just because someone views the other person as less intelligent about an issue or that they don’t think the same way is extremely immature and triggering in its own sense because it’s used in a vengeful way and not used properly.
Bottom line, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you can’t force someone else to change their minds and if you’re put off by a theme in the story then you are more then welcome to stop reading it. If not then just enjoy the story.

Hi, I know it's a bit late to the party, but I wanted to quickly jump in. No, it's not illegal but it is extremely iffy if a 28+ dates an 18 yo. The fact that many actors or people in the public eye that are 50 date 18 year olds does not make it okay. You are only 19 and all of this might seem okay to you but believe me when you'll grow up you'll see it's not. I know it's a bit useless to say, I was not listening to anybody when I was at that age. When I was 16 I started dating a 24 year old (sure, it's a bit more extreme than here but if you think about it it's just two years from 18) and at that time I thought it was cool and nice because "I was so mature for my age". I kept thinking this till I reached 26 and one day it just hit me out of the blue that that was not cool at all. It's predatory. It might not be ILLEGAL but that doesn't make it right. I'm 27 now and if I discovered I had an unintentional crush on an 18 yo I'd feel disgusted with myself, believe me. A person this much older at this particular age has literally not one single reason to be attracted to a person that much younger. Of course, as you get older things change and for example 37 and 47 is not a big deal. But 28 and 18 it is, even if it's legal. You seem to see things from his perspective about his feelings, because you're closer to that age, but it feels like you're not considering hers, so since I'm closer to her age I'm trying to show you her perspective. I'm not attacking you or trying to force advice on you because you are clearly young and don't really realize what you're saying but please be careful in the real world. This is just fantasy and a story, but the world we live in is full of disgusting people, unfortunately. With this thinking somebody much older could take advantage of you and I hope it never ever happens. Stay safe and all the best to you :)

While I respect your side of the opinion, (and maybe my thoughts will change too as I age), but for now I can't say I exactly agree.
Putting real world examples aside for now and looking at this manga, the entire basis which is against their relationship seems to be that liking someone who is 18 when you are late/mid 20s is wrong. Why is is wrong? Because it's wrong to like someone who is that young. To be honest it just sounds like circular logic to me. You say that someone older could take advantage of someone younger and be a predator, but I think that's only a "could". It doesn't automatically make them a predator just by being in a relationship, theres has to be some sort of actual manipulation or predation going on which I simply do not see happening in the manga.
Unless you are a predator, when you like someone you don't like them because of their age. You like them because you're attracted to their character, what they do, how they act and carry themselves, what they say, their appearance, etc. If you fall in love with someone who is 18 but passes off as a college student perfect fine I don't see anything wrong with it.
I appreciate your concern as well as your perspective, however I don't think being younger or older necessarily makes an opinion more valid or not.

oh, I definitely read it :) the only problem is none of it made sense and came off as a person who clearly doesn't understand the problematic relationship dynamics and power imbalances in play, or terms like grooming lolz... yeah, I totally agree about you not being literate sigh it really sucks when somebody won't cooperate in being productive

You see, if u apply for a job and both of u have the same qualifications, you would still choose a person with experience. Also a bad analogy
He's a highschooler, he'd be 18 at most while the fl is 28, i wouldn't have a problem if he was 28 and the fl is 38 since both of them would've been grown adults who have the same lives. The difference between a full fledged adult and a hs student is huge, he is still swimming inside a small pond while she is already in the sea, living the same environment as the adults.
10yr age gap is not the problem, its the fact that he's a hs student who lives a completely different life as her, u cant date someone who could possibly be your student if u were a teacher in hs

The point is, a 18 yr old can make a move on a 28 yr old but as a 28 yr old you shouldn't be entertaining an 18 yr olds advancement because as an adult you would know what is tight and wrong. Its just the fact that grown adults should not be in a relationship with ppl who are still in the development phase

Really? I think this depends heavily on the job lol depending on what it is you may want the younger person for varied perspective. Idk I think the analogy fits lol.
You're placing all highschoolers in a box and all adults in a box. You don't know what the 18 year old has gone through; you don't know what the 28 year old has gone through either. People exist beyond their age, thats why trying to set these definitive moral rules of conduct; that these ppl can only date these ppl at this age doesn't work.
As for your teacher student analogy, sure as a teacher you don't want to date your student because thats unprofessional. But if that's your standard of acceptable or not, he'll literally be graduating next year.

That's the point, children who have been through sh1t mature earlier than people their age but that doesn't mean they're ready for relationships with adults, i am mature in a way too even as a 17 yr old and that's only because ive been a vuctim of disgusting things but i will surely be thankful if a 27 yr old man doesn't take advantage of me even if i fall for him, yes im categorising them into 2 different boxes because an adult should never interfere with a students life romantically because it'll do kore damage than good. You are 19 yrs old so you wouldn't know what a 29 yr old would think
Im sure when you're 29 you wouldn't want to date a highschooler who is 19 because your life is really different from theirs and youd know as an adult there is nothing that is appealing from a 18 yr old to you as an adult

I think I don't understand how you're coming up with these numbers of whats acceptable or not. Im actually 20 now, a year older than before. And according to you, in 2 years it would be acceptable for someone in their 30s to date me by then. I guarantee you I will be pretty much the same in 2 years. 1 year passed in a flash so will 2.
Actually a bad relationship will do more damage than good. A good relationship is a good relationship.
What is the damage that will happen that you speak of?
Your last paragraph seems to be moral policing with no solid logic behind it. Idk if I would be attracted to someone who is 19 in ten years time. Im certainly not attracted to numbers so I would have to get to know the actual person who exists beyond just their age.

Age plays a big part on someone's life, you are acting as if its not. And we are talking about the manhwa here, he's 18 and she's 28, idk why you're trying to defend it
Yes exactly, u claim u are still the same as u are when u were 19 and u seem to think it is unfathomable to date a 30 yr old when you're 20
Or in your 20s, you also claim 2 yrs will go by like nothing, so by your logic, what makes u think a 28 yr old who will be 30 in no time is allowed to date an 18 yr old?
Then let me ask you, are you attracted to a 16 yr old? Because its not that much younger ger than u, and the reason why its unacceptable for a person who's in her late 20s to date someone who just became 18 is because of maturity,biologically they are still learning little sponges by that age. As much as i claim to be mature because of my upbringing it'll never change the fact that im still immature in a lot of things. The difference between my 16 yr old self and 17 is really big
Children grow in a fast pace, even a 16 yr old would be too young for an 18 yr old. An 18 yr old is still growing and will continue to grow as they get older. The growing slump in maturity is generally in your 25 because that's when your brain has fully developed. Its basic conscience for a grown adult to not make or accept advancement from an 18 yr old
Its basic human decency, if u think its me pushing my own morals then there must be something wrong with how u think about this situation.
Why is age such a big deal for yall as viewers? It's like first and foremost before age he's still himself. And as himself his maturity is definitely there, if he can pass off as a college student perfectly fine even after hanging out with him and getting to know him then at that point youre just discrimating against his age right? And being influenced by the negative social stigma ಠ‿ಠ