both sides are being hypocritical and are telling each other to ignore each other but I believe this whole problem wouldn’t have happened in the first place if people took precautions before reading. It’s like seeing a tiktok with a trigger warning and still watching it despite knowing you have health issues that would be affected, and then complaining about the video having triggers.

well no, even though, for example, I’m aware that there is rape in this story and I’m not triggered by it, I still believe that rape has no place in love stories as it perpetuates the idea that falling in love with your rapist is romantic and normal when it’s not. The normalization of rape ESPECIALLY in mlm love stories does not send a good message, this is more harmful for the underaged audience on this site even though they shouldn’t be. If you’re okay with fictional rape, good for you, but you should never openly defend rape— fictional or not.

Hey nowhere did I ever say I defended rape. Obviously most people here who are on my side don’t like rape either. We’re just saying that if you don’t want to read rape, then don’t read rape. That’s literally it. It’s not like I decided to read this story because there’s rape in it. Rape is a messed up idea and it’d be sick to support it. I’m sure most of us here can all agree that rape is disgusting, but I’m seeing tons of people complaining about seeing rape in this story, when there’s literally a warning. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. Another example I’ve seen of something similar was a homophobe coming onto this site and complaining about all the bl stories. Again, there are bl tags on stories, if you don’t like bl then don’t read it.
Also in this story the sex between the seme and the uke was consensual. The uke really never said no. The rape scene was NOT with the love interest, it was with a bunch of jealous asses, so there’s no falling in love with your rapist.
I can sort of see why people are ok with fictional rape and not real life rape because a lot of authors use it for character development, which you saw here. Non-consensual sex and sexual harassment is also seen often in our world, especially in countries like Japan, where people have even normalized train gropers. I saw a bunch of articles on how Japanese girls who have never gotten groped on a train felt ugly and unconfident. Real life issues do need to be represented in mangas, but obviously in a better way than some yaoi stories, which romanticize it. However it’s not really in this particular story. If anything lots of the top stories on this site that receive little to no hate contain rape, but it’s always the smaller stories like this one that get it.
TLDR: we’re not supporting rape, it’s just if u like it then don’t read it. Real-life issues can’t be ignored and this story doesn’t romanticize rape, the sex is consensual, although illegal
Idk why people are complaining about other people complaining about rape. Rape is a bad thing, why are you adamant to defend it just because it’s fiction? Just ignore them if you really don’t like seeing people complain about rape.