I can't hate people without an explanation.

Zay Williams February 20, 2021 9:48 pm

I know why everyone hate 2nd ML. But I need to know the background why the 2nd ML hate the FL so much (neglect, harsh, ..)
I need to know how can FL engage with 2nd ML, isn't it weird? FL is Marquis and maid(?) Daughter right?? Same as Rubiel (Rubiel has different mom tho). So basically FL is illegitimate daughter of Marquis(?)
How can FL betrothed to the Duke??!
Someone please tell me..

    Wdymno February 20, 2021 9:58 pm

    I think that Nevah was betrothed to the Duke because the Duke’s dad and Nevah’s dad made a deal that their first borns would marry each other before they were even born. It just happened that his first child was born from a Maid.

    Alenira February 20, 2021 10:01 pm

    ok so FL is the result of her father banging one of the maids.. so the father hates her and so did his wife.. when the made was pregnant they desided to make a deal and when they knew it was a girl they sold FL the 2Ml's family (the family thinks she is pure blooded and not a bastard). Fl's family only have her nesesities until they could ship her off to 2Ml's house.
    2Ml hates Fl because it was an aranged marriage.. so knowing her parents he thought she was spoiled and that his family was preasured into taking her.. not knowing his family "Bought her". To his family she was a tool so his parents did treat her as a member.. and he didnt like her so the maids and help neglected her... She was in turne hated by the other Nobel Girls because 2Ml's family is high ranking aka everyone wants the easy life.. and knowing she was a Bastard she was mistreated by others and to give 2Ml who was ignorant, more hate for her.. the girls that aproached him always said she did nasty shit to them and he belived them = Rumors are FL is Greedy, spends lost of money on cloths, jewlery and gems, has a nasty personality and bullies other girls and brags about her fiance... HE BELIVED THAT.. he never paid atention to her as "Emotions are botherson, logis rains supreme" To him she was a bother he had to live with, so he ignored her and focused on his studdies, friends and a carrier. Only now is he learning that she had nothing, was given nothing and everyone treated her like shit.

    Alenira February 20, 2021 10:04 pm
    ok so FL is the result of her father banging one of the maids.. so the father hates her and so did his wife.. when the made was pregnant they desided to make a deal and when they knew it was a girl they sold FL... Alenira

    Oh forgot he hated her because she talked to him, and eveytime she aproached him she said stuff like "be carefull about nobel lady name "biach", she seems to have other intentions". Because she told him so many ppl, including one of his male friends were a little to afectionit + the fact he idint know her. He asumed she was a jouellous, snobish biach who looked down on everyone and was trying to manipulate him.. when in reality.. she was prob 100% right about all of those ppls intentions!

    Meow February 20, 2021 10:12 pm
    Oh forgot he hated her because she talked to him, and eveytime she aproached him she said stuff like "be carefull about nobel lady name "biach", she seems to have other intentions". Because she told him so many... Alenira

    Well said ngl

    Rii-chan February 21, 2021 1:12 am
    Oh forgot he hated her because she talked to him, and eveytime she aproached him she said stuff like "be carefull about nobel lady name "biach", she seems to have other intentions". Because she told him so many... Alenira

    Whos the male friend that was a little to affectionate? (=・ω・=) lol sorry my bl senses reacted

    Alenira February 21, 2021 1:28 am
    Whos the male friend that was a little to affectionate? (=・ω・=) lol sorry my bl senses reacted Rii-chan

    it was never mentioned who it was, other than it was one of his Academy buddies. so from when he was at school

    Zay Williams February 21, 2021 10:02 am
    I think that Nevah was betrothed to the Duke because the Duke’s dad and Nevah’s dad made a deal that their first borns would marry each other before they were even born. It just happened that his first chil... Wdymno

    Ahh now I get it. Thanks for explaining the betrothed things :3

    Zay Williams February 21, 2021 10:04 am
    ok so FL is the result of her father banging one of the maids.. so the father hates her and so did his wife.. when the made was pregnant they desided to make a deal and when they knew it was a girl they sold FL... Alenira

    Woahh.. no wonder everyone hates 2ML so much. Now I get it. Thanks