TL;DR Everyone is an idiot, FL especially.

somnia February 20, 2021 9:00 pm

I'm confused. There are a good few scenes where Fl is having nostalgia kicks bc of Sidis, him as well. She literally went "Ah, he is reminded of the same thing/thinking the same". Shouldn't that ring her alarm bells? How can she not recognize him anyway? In her past life she saw their kid faces every day. She seemed to have no issues identifying the Emperor, so why is she playing dumb with Sidis? She goes as far as to ask him whether he has an older brother- are you kidding me????

At any rate, how come these people with the life experience of 60+ years are still so naive and dumb?
This one sketchy, cult-vibe religion, which basically paints their Emperor and their Empire's source of infinite wealth as heretics, is RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR FACES. Why aren't they even thinking of the possibility that they're suspicious???
Since FL knew about them from the start it's not like this is some highly classified info either. They walk past these ppl on the god damn street, ffs.
And later it turns out that they knew (or concluded at least) that the people messing with them were from that religion, BUT for some reason they don't even think of confronting the people residing IN the palace who're of the same belief. Why isn't FL pointing out the lady who's obssessed with it AND giving out suspiCiOuS BLACK STONES. JESUS CHRIST.

Going back to the whole light beam magic thing- I'm so frustrated that the author just drops this seemingly VERY important knowledge about it in the middle of the Fl's inner dialogue. Even worse, it did jack-shit actually explaining what the hell the primodrial light actually is. All we get is the words "failed bla whatever magic" and some pretty visuals. It doesn't explain sHit. Sure, it's knowledge that can wreck the Empire, but why would any stranger believe her? To begin with, why is she so anxious to go to the Empire over that?
Even if people talk a lot about their holy light beam there, what idiot just reveals this kind of information in a casual convo?

The FL's anxiety over not being able to go back to the Empire is utter plot pandering bullshit either way.
She just needs to keep her secrets a secret. Who the hell would believe some strange lady going on about her past life as the princes' bodyguard that got ended by a light beam and the truth behind aid light beam anyway? Again: Who the hell just blurts out their secrets during normal conversations?
And why is she keeping this a secret from the Emperor? Why would she fear being executed by the dude she basically saw grow up?? She had more than enough opportunities to explain. And why the hell is she getting so hurt when she learns (for the second god damn time mind you) that she was only selected because she had magic- or rather lightbeam related- powers? They told her to her face the moment they had a private chat, so why is she doubting Sidis now??
AND then she's not only dumb enough to ambush a bunch of assassins alone, she also follows them to their hide-out without thinking about reporting it to literally ANYONE.
THIS. god. dAmn. MORON.

    WinnyQueen March 18, 2021 10:48 am

    I agree with you they are all dumb but she is the dumbiest. The sus girl spoke to her multiple time with a clearly suspicious aura around but bruhh she is so naive for someone who live a long life

    WinnyQueen March 18, 2021 10:49 am

    I will drop this shit bc i think this all thing dont have common sense

    Hypocritical Sinner April 7, 2021 6:09 am

    Oh great. Tbh I think I remember reading this at some point and got mad at the exact same thing. Like is it against some unspoken shoujo rules that the FL and ML need to remain oblivious and dumb?

    jan July 6, 2021 3:13 am

    didn't she die 100 years her old self

    HIKOUKI September 28, 2023 11:21 pm

    Thanks, you just kept me from wasting my time reading this. Abosolutely hate it when characters' common sense just fly out the damn window just for the drama.