IF YOU'R LOOKING FOR A PROPER PLOT- THIS IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME- I was tricked by the beautiful art style T T

CoupleTherapist February 20, 2021 7:58 pm

1. I love the art style & the manga was really interesting and promising at the start but now??? Ugh- what? This could have been a unique, great manga that portrayed & addressed the struggles of being in and trying to get out of an abusive relationship, of trying to help a misogynistic man to change his ways (changing a mindset isn't as easy as this makes it look) and view omegas as human beings instead of objects. But all we got is a mess and a forced action sequence??? & We all need to pretend like the alpha never said to the omega that he deserved to be r@ped & never apologized. We never saw a snippet of him questioning why Yeowoo run away or he never even spent a minute feeling guilty over how he hurt him. - ONLY TIME HE DID FEEL GUILTY IS WHEN HE REALISED HIS DICK GOES LIMP WHEN HE TRIES TO GET WITH OTHER PEOPLE - THAT MEANS, HIS MINDSET IS STILL " Haha- sex- pfft- omegas sluts all they want is my dick " BUT HIS BODY SAYS NO BC HE WAS BITTEN.
Keith's development is not there y'all- it's not even fast character development bc you have to do it right for it to be an actual development- WHAT THIS IS - is throwing away a character's personality that didn't appeal to the audience, not addressing their flaws & pretending they didn't exist, & replacing it with something that would be closer to the perfect man. An action scene where he acts like the good clone of himself won't erase his actions. Where did the evil clone go?

Keith doesn't deserve to end up with Yeonwoo & Yoenwoo will only look like a naive victim to me until we see Keith address everything he had done until now & we see him STRUGGLE to change but overcome it.- BC RN THIS STORY SEEMS LIKE A WILD DREAM WHICH YOU FORGET HALF OF AFTER WAKING UP. I WANTED TO ACTUALLY PAY THR ARTIST BC OF HOW GOOD THE ART STYLE IS & TIP AN EXTRA BUT I'M KIND OF GLAD I DIDN'T DO IT FOR THIS.

Ik that most ppl read this for fun- BUT I FEEL CHEATED & TRICKED- THAT'S WHY I'M WRITING THIS.
