Why y'all forgiving him so easily after reading the spoilers?? (Talking about the spoilers...

Celestia February 20, 2021 10:52 am

Why y'all forgiving him so easily after reading the spoilers?? (Talking about the spoilers so if you haven't been spoiled yet don't read this please) He failed at protecting her and the way he went about it was just stupid to begin with and even behind closed doors he still ignored her and treated both her and their child like crap instead of telling her what he was trying to do for her and their child he decided to go the way about it that helped her towards her death the first round and even still in this chapter with the flashback he said that right to her face come on now people AND THE WAY HE WAS ACTING TOWARDS THE GIRL IN THIS CHAPTER LIKE NO THANKS be honest y'all forgiving him because he's hot aren't you?

    Issa Me Mario February 20, 2021 11:51 am

    The truth is we still know nothing about their relationship bc the author hasn't shown us that part. It's always been my impression that their marriage was arranged in the first place, possibly even the result of blackmail, bc the author told us the Duke schemed to have them marry. Even killed the Prince's first wife to make it happen. Plus our lead has been pretending to be someone else the entire time (Veronica), someone who was known to be a real bitch and a bully. I don't think she ever told the truth to the Prince about who she really is.
    If any of those things are true, I personally can't blame him from not wanting to fall in love with her and keeping her at a distance, and actually think it really romantic that he did anyway.

    tyr February 20, 2021 11:56 am

    yep they totally forgives him cause he's hot.

    Ramennyy February 20, 2021 2:08 pm

    Lol its just the beginning of the story, there's only little of the plot we know, for now, what we have is elena's side of the story and the people beside her, there's still some cracks needed to be filled, and I guess you're the type of reader that doesn't wait patiently for the plot to go deeper ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ and stories like this are on the 1500's, manners, etiquette, status, etc matters, so expect that during that time, your action is always being looked at. Again, wait for the plot to develop lol

    Celestia February 20, 2021 2:56 pm
    Lol its just the beginning of the story, there's only little of the plot we know, for now, what we have is elena's side of the story and the people beside her, there's still some cracks needed to be filled, and... Ramennyy

    Ugh I really don't need to read your annoying ass sarcasm but since you want to act like that of course I'm not going to take the side of his character when our mc literally became nauseous just being near him who said I don't wait for the plot development? I'm on her side and I'm not going to like a character just because he looks good :/ even tho I read the spoilers my feelings directed to him are going to match hers where I'm currently at in the story ntm the spoilers didn't make him all the better either the only reason I want them together (from where I'm at rn in the story) is for the child because he deserves better