Aye aye aye. Always with the love triangle. I saw this coming but it's still vaguely disappointed. There seems to be an increase in the usage of new love interests to lengthen mangas.
I don't think there will be a love triangle that guy don't have a chance cause he have a man and children but that guy may be annoying if he does something that may hurt him
I don't think there will be a love triangle that guy don't have a chance cause he have a man and children but that guy may be annoying if he does something that may hurt him hello:3
I mean yeah, but it still stands that there are more mangas introducing new love interests just as the story start winds down. And it's stupid, I feel, to lengthen a manga that's in a good place, by introducing unnecessary and predictable drama.
Aye aye aye. Always with the love triangle. I saw this coming but it's still vaguely disappointed. There seems to be an increase in the usage of new love interests to lengthen mangas.