i also checked the last chapter, and it seems its a litte tragic. the eyes of the girl seem emotionless throughout the chapter. and til the end the guy was alone. even the white-haired dude. sad thing is, the ones who got the happy ending are the villains. omo. kinda lost my interest.

=====Potential spoilers??========
I can't read Korean but doesn't it look like a happy ending? The evil manager and the B*tch ex ended up together. The silver hair guy, while still loves the main character girl, is cursed to be the second lead. Even though he still thinks fondly of her, he's doing his own thing and can find enjoyment in warm street food on a cold winter day.
Regarding the main character guy and girl, the girl was sad because of the contents of the documents and also the fact that her gramps passed. After their confrontation it looks like they broke up for a short while, but after a time skip where his hair got longer, he returned home to find a light there and when he asked, someone (who I assumed is the girl) answered.
That's how I interpreted the ending, which makes me thinks that she forgave him for whatever it is that he did. Yes, the creator could have ended with them embracing, but this ending is all about the atmosphere.

......probably might be spoiling other readers who actually read all the comments........
I'm OK with spoilers because I forget easily. I also figured it did have a happy ending and I liked it, but I was really curious why that main girl and guy had to broke up assuming the main girl had a emotional breakdown and just needed time but damn that time skip when she finally returned to him. She must have had it tough during the time skip.
Finally they uploaded this on mangago! This was already up on other websites. Hope they translated most of the chaptersuntil the end though. Don't really like the girl, but the story's a bit good. Annoying characters for now, but I'll continue reading it how it goes.