It is like that, but the way everything is resolved is written really well, and manages to get you excited and wanting for more, the interactions of all of the characters is amazing and, sorry i don't know how to get my tought across exactly since english is not my native language, but i really like how the story is written, and you just can't help to fall in love with all of the characters in it, and laughing at their interaction with each other, also is kind of hilarious how Cale just want to be a slaker but everyone treats him like a hero, so it kind of backfires all the time, I really, really recommed you to keep up with the manhwa or better yet, try to chek out the novel, it really is a great novel. Hope this helps :)
the art for this is amazing and i probably wouldve continued reading just for the art if it wasnt for a review i read on the novel
!!!!!!!!KINDA SPOILER BELOW!!!!!!!!
i saw a review saying that cale never really has any issues. the story normally follows the format of cale finds an issue > cale fixes issue > everyone praises cale for how good he is or whatever and i just wanted to ask readers if this is true? NO SPOILERS PLS but a simple yes or no would be enough ┗( T﹏T )┛