It makes absolutely zero difference whether Megumi was an alpha or not tbh... Rape is rape. Forcing yourself on someone is unacceptable in every situation. In our world, men are typically seen as dominant, right? But sexual assault still effects them just as much as it would a woman.
Also, the "it was his best friend" argument is also pretty bad... Less than 10% of sexual assaults happen by a stranger. That number is absolutely horrific. A rapist can be anyone, and just because you know them will never make it okay.
It's obviously just a manga and these situations aren't real, but the audience of a lot of yaoi is typically younger, impressionable women, and minimizing the impact of something like that could be extremely damaging to many. This is also very belittling to male survivors of sexual assault as well.
Unfortunately this happens frequently in yaoi. It should definitely should not be excused or tolerated.

I agree but It happens is what I mean/that’s the rationale behind It. It definitely is shitty, but tbh, that’s the real life way this would play out.
Men who are sexually assaulted DEFINITELY don’t get as much sympathy/are expected to get over It. And they it’s also frowned upon to break “bro friendships.” Male masculine culture is SUPER toxic and dangerous. And honestly really sad :-( but, I think authorsan didn’t do anything “wrong” per say by drawing the norm. It would be nice to see something otherwise, but I’m not surprised

You're right, that often does happen which is awful and although it's common shouldn't have been trivialized, but idk what you mean by "male masculine culture". Masculinity isn't toxic in itself. Real men would never say a man is less masculine for being assaulted. Only weak and pathetic *people* (I've seen a lot of women do it too, saying male rape is not as bad as female rape and all that terrible stuff) would say a man is less manly for that. Real masculinity is about lifting men up, not down. My dad taught me that pretty well.

My fiancé is in the army lol so he’d agree. But the “social norm” of male masculinity is not at all aligned with what we said. To be a man = macho, suck It up, don’t cry, be in control, etc. Even the most well developed man can still fall into this social culture of “what is masculine” because that’s how men are raised/socialized 8/10 times. It definitely would be nice to see more stories of people doing the right thing (police, making a big deal of male sexual assault, etc) but they will be rare until people don’t automatically assume “this is just how men should behave”
I REALLY don't like that they basically let Subaru go after literally RAPING Megumi. Mofo needs jail... Hate it when Yaois brush over assault.