the main couple is trash

kyale February 19, 2021 3:52 pm

the main couple is trash

    Iluvtoast February 22, 2021 6:52 am

    Anyways kyale sweetie stay unbothered and continue to say ur opinion

    kyale February 22, 2021 4:11 pm
    Poor kyale y’all traumatizing the shit out of them they never expected all this heat over an opinion like bro this is how this conversation looks: Kyale: I don’t rlly like pizza toppings Some moody bitz: OM... Iluvtoast

    THANK YOUUUUUU, I was surprised when ppl started to attack me and started calling me rude words when I never cursed the author out or said anything bad about them, all I said was the main couple is garbage, because they're toxic and they lack communication, yeah the side couples aren't any better but they are actually decent. But thanks so much for defending me we need more people like you in this bitter world, be safe!!!

    holy drinks 4 free February 22, 2021 4:32 pm

    I kinda agree with u, they deffo have some serious issues. Like dojin being the biggest pro lifer and hyesung being a gold digger. I am trying to love them and ignore the fact that they have a problematic past but it’s pretty hard. I honestly feel like I am reading this only because of Byul, and at least we can agree that both of them really love Byul. It annoys me so much that they never seem to get any developement, they’re always so close to something but then some drama happens and it usually ends up in sex that seems forced. Though I recently read the latest chapter (97) and I noticed that Hyesung was actually smiling in Dojins arms, does this mean that they will finally end up in a loving relationship? God please just let them finally be happy. I understand that you don’t like them and as I said I kinda agree but I think we are finally seeing some changes. Let’s hope that they both mature as persons and both become a little more likeworthy. At least we have Byul, lets say they managed to do one thing right and that was making the cutest kid ever.
    Right now I don’t really understand myself I just had to rant about this so hope it makes sense lmao.