I can’t dislike any of the characters, though there are some niggling aspects (though th...

WhatAWorld February 19, 2021 3:52 pm

I can’t dislike any of the characters, though there are some niggling aspects (though this is just the characters being human).

Ex-TaeJung: I feel bad for him, but outright ignoring Yoon, not responding to any texts, never looking him in the eye - is a bit cruel. I’m split saying he owes him the attention, but y’all have known each other for all your lives. Even if you’re not lovers anymore, you could’ve hand,Ed the situation a bit differently, actually talked things out. Make it clear that you need to move on, but damn, look him in the eyes at least. Breaking up with him is one thing, but pretending he doesn’t exist a bit... Idk, I guess I’d just expect a bit more support from a lifelong friend. Obviously the relationship is complicated, but TaeJung knows that literally the only thing Yoon has is him and photography. I don’t hate him, just felt like he could’ve handled it better. When it comes to his feelings for both his current bf and Yoon, his emotions are obvious, and his choices are his own. We can all tell he cares for his current bf but not to the extent that he loved Yoon. As much as people are thinking that cutting things off and ending things between them is the best choice, it’s different for every situation. Love doesn’t really expire for some people. The only thing that’s really changed is that Taesung decided to move on and distance himself from his last relationship, which was can be a healthy choice, though there’s no clear way to move on when you think your spouse is dead. In some ways, dating again just to “move on” can do more harm than good, but refusing to date completely just because you still love your “dead” lover is also harmful. Personally, I think his not being in a relationship with Yoon is his choice, and I support his decision mostly. But I’m not sure if he current relationship is very good either. Though literally the current relationship is the only thing keeping him for being with a Yoon again. That’s not to say it would end up well even if they were together. I guess I support his moving on, not being in a relationship with Yoon, but I not think he’s current relationship is very good for him either, especially when he’s obviously still obsessed with Yoon’s well-being. His current relationship is unfair to himself and nphis new partner. I’m not sure if having a partner is part of his healing process or something, but I think he should move on completely before dating, not date in order to move on. I like his devotion to he relationship, but if devotion is your biggest reason for staying, then you are yet again hurting yourself and your partner.

Taesung’s-new-bf: okay, he’s obviously acting a bit toxic.Good on him for supporting someone going through hard times, though getting in a relationship with them while they’re grieving means a dubious start to the relationship. I’m not saying he took advantage of Taesung’s grief, but he got into that relationship while, he was vulnerable. Now he’ll always question whether Taesung only chose him because he was sad and couldn’t have what he wanted. Personally, even if I was in love with someone, if they were grieving that badly, I would prefer to stay friends until the grief is long over. ~however, that’s possibly what happened anyway. He most likely started dating him once the ‘healing’ was done. It’s just iffy because there is no set period for surpassing the rebound-for-my-(not)dead-ex timing. Now, moving on. He says stuff like “Why couldn’t he have stayed dead? I wish he never came back.” Excuse me, sir? Get over yourself. The world doesn’t revolve around you. I understand, but if you’re so convinced that he’ll leave you as soon as his old ex is back, you might as well end it now. If you’re telling your current partner to “cut off completely”someone he’s known and cared for his entire life, your relationship obviously isn’t strong enough to withstand and you’ll never fully trust each other, and will make each other miserable. If Taesung and Yoon were just lovers, and not lifelong friends, I would understand cutting it off (somewhat) because they were never anything besides lovers. But telling your lover to ignore someone’s existence just because they used to date is toxic. Plenty of people can be platonic friends with their ex, though Yoon really isn’t one of them. My point is: if you have to act that way to maintain your relationship, it’s already over.

Yoon: the guy is literally fading away. He woke up from a coma of five years to see that the love of his life has moved on, and he can’t even hate him or the new bf for it, because “waiting” is not realistic in this situation, though it happens sometimes. In his life, there was only Taesung and photography, so he still clinging to what he’s got left. It’s clear he’s still in love with Taesung, but expanding his relationships will let him heal. He used to receive all that for Taesung, but he can make friends that give him something similar, find a lover maybe, and eventually he won’t “need” Taesung quite so much, even if he was in love with him. This was painful af to read in the beginning, and I couldn’t direct any of my anger anywhere because it’s no one’s fault. Seeing him finally start to distance himself a bit is nice, and while he is lifelong friends with Taesung too, he has to at least distance himself from the time they were lovers. Best case scenario, Taesung and Yoon would still be talking, but transitioning back to friendship, so they can support and heal and regroup. Again, Taesung distancing and moving on is understandable, but cutting out Yoon’s existence doesn’t really do anyone any good, yoon was acting a bit clingy to the relationship, but I think if he looked him in the eye, explained things, talked them out in the beginning as opposed to “This is the way things are. No more us. Bye”, yoon would’ve had an easier time accepting it. They could have family dinners, idk transition. Lmao, ignore me, maybe them sticking to get her that early and to that extent is dangerous, but still. At least look the man in the face (which he eventually did). Anyway, poor Yoon, but he’s dealing with it. He doesn’t have any blame in this, but ultimately, he and Taesung breaking up is probably for the best. Taesung seems to need someone that will stay by his side, value him more than work generally (I.e. Yoon left to another country for a dangerous job. Taesung seems to need someone tag at wouldn’t leave when e down to that choice). It doesn’t make Yoon a bad person, photography is his passion. It has more to do with ultimate compatibility in terms of daily life.

Director/sunbae: he’s divorced, and kinda weird XD HE recommended that Yoon, who’s ex is now attached, try to strike up a cheating-sex relationship. He knows that was a bad suggestion lmao. Maybe his wife did that to him with a side lover and that’s why they divorced? Idk, but his general answer to things seems to be sex. When sex-with-ex didn’t work out, he’s like sex-with-me instead lol, he may or may not currently be crushing on Yoon too. But as a sex friend, he’s top notch. It’s all the benefits of a normal relationship without all the baggage. Sounds ideal. He even takes care I of Yoon and gives him sweet little kisses.

I do find it really interesting how Yoon is noe experimenting with a lighter relationship. It could make sense in some ways. In a romantic relationship, he might get too attached, and conflict weighs very heavily on him. In an only-sex(-and-companionship) relationship, he can learn to experience somethings a relationship offers without risking his heart. He’s romantically inclined, but a simple relationship might help him heal
