y’all ive read so many manhuas that i get a lil mixed up, she has like a inner place rig...

Trin February 19, 2021 1:47 pm

y’all ive read so many manhuas that i get a lil mixed up, she has like a inner place right? like a spiritual solace or sum that’s inside her or a pendant? and like she has her animals stay in there and she’s gonna fill it w animals or am i like thinking of a completely different manhua bc ive read so many where it’s the same plot but just slightly different

    JCdog14 February 19, 2021 2:10 pm

    yes she does like a space between so she can slip away

    laezy February 22, 2021 12:30 pm

    I think you're pertaining to "Adventures of Mystical Doctor" the MC also pretends to be a guy and has spiritual ring where her contracted beasts resides.