Bloody Tower stuff

illumin12 February 19, 2021 8:53 am

i dont think the marquess committing suicide is a good way for him to atone for his sins. if he truly realized what he had done he wouldve groveled and at least lived out the last few years of his life serving linden instead of taking the easy way out. i know his sister was suffering a lot but that doesnt excuse killing the parent and sister of a mere child. as for linden's rage, i think he needs to realize that he doesnt need to forgive someone just for apologizing. after getting those people who hurt him to grovel or at least apologize he should just keep hating them but change his way of remembering what he lost from revenge to simply mourning them.

    Dyna February 19, 2021 11:36 am

    100% agree. He's just a coward with giant ass pride. I'm unsatisfied w/ his ending

    sweety1997 February 19, 2021 12:33 pm

    he is just running away. i swear. everyone is a weird coward. they act in the way that is most despicable. why? because they are nice on the surface, believe they are nice even, so all the bad shit they do is just fucking with your mind. because they seem nice, so you are confused between sentiment and rational about seeing them as the actual bad guy they are. the blond prince is a coward asshole, his uncle is a coward asshole, the mother let go of her sanity, the king is a coward asshole.....only correct people is the mc her younger brother, the prince, the grey hair doctor and a few others......the rest is so not virtuous is hurts to see them....i get the same creepy uncomfortable feeling i get whenever i am with narcissits in a room or people like that....