tbh the idea of this story is good. BUT It turn me off so much about romance in the story...

Hisato January 18, 2016 6:41 am

tbh the idea of this story is good.

BUT It turn me off so much about romance in the story. Like, because everyone change their appearance, and they got prettier/handsomer and romance everywhere OK SO GOOD LOOKING IS WHAT IMPORTANT

I wish the story focus on fighting rather than love things shit. I try endure it and read untill ch48 then swtich to the lastest update,,,,ok still about Love and Romance FUCK THIS

Im done. Unless the story focus on fighting and less romance I wont read it anymore.

    Akikosenpai January 19, 2016 2:02 pm

    It's only those last chapters that have been 'romantic' because a new arc is about to start and it's like the calm before the storm XD Also, the girl who's in love with him in those last chapters liked him BEFORE he changed his appearance already. The great action scenes are in the chapters you skipped haha :p

    Akikosenpai January 19, 2016 2:08 pm

    You stopped at 48, but Donghae has a fighting scene in 51 already, so maybe you should have just read a little bit more ^-^

    Akikosenpai January 19, 2016 2:09 pm

    Oh and if you like some shounen ai, the mooyoung/taebin scenes are in between there too! :p

    Hisato January 20, 2016 6:54 am
    It's only those last chapters that have been 'romantic' because a new arc is about to start and it's like the calm before the storm XD Also, the girl who's in love with him in those last chapters liked him BEFO... Akikosenpai

    if I remember correctly, that girl has a very ugly face and very fat yeah? I just cant imagine he would still fall in love with her IF she has her old face and body ;/

    The artist draw her pretty and slim now so it looks ok, but damn I cant delete her oldself from my memory and understand why he would fall in love with her EVEN IF she love him before his change start and etc...

    I dunno, I just feel bad read it because I ALWAYS remember how everyone looks like before their change. And my memories fuck with me and wont let me enjoy all the love in the story ;/ Maybe it was my fault for not accepting them as they are right at the moment but damn...

    Akikosenpai January 20, 2016 9:24 am

    Weeeell actually we aren't even sure to this point he 'actually' likes her. I mean, he does, but Eunju is still on his mind. Guess you can't erase first love that easily #-.-) But the Dongtae at that time would have probably been happy someone at least liked him, I think. She just didn't dare to confess because she felt scared because of her looks.

    But I think I understand your problem. I also still think you should give this story a try again though, because when i first wanted to read this, I almost didn't because I dislike stories with romance in them (unless it's yaoi/shoujo ai/shounen ai) and the comments made it seem like this was just a romance story and I was here for the action scenes haha. But now I've been following it for 8 months or so already and gradually I started to even ship Dongtae and Mio pretty hard surprising myself and I didn't even bother about the romance anymore. That's why i wanted to react to your comment.

    Maybe you should wait a bit before continuing until you've forgotten what they looked like first then XD

    Akikosenpai January 20, 2016 9:25 am

    I just noticed I wrote Donghae instead of Dongtae, gosh I listened to too much kpop

    kemmy April 7, 2016 3:02 pm
    Oh and if you like some shounen ai, the mooyoung/taebin scenes are in between there too! :p Akikosenpai

    Yaaaaasssss omg i ship them so hard and now they've became one like wtf i want them to meet face to face!!

    Akikosenpai April 7, 2016 7:29 pm
    Yaaaaasssss omg i ship them so hard and now they've became one like wtf i want them to meet face to face!! @kemmy

    Hah when I first read that scene I was like: 'Uhm... guys... this isn't exactly what's meant with 'becoming one' in yaoi.' XD

    ¥401 August 7, 2016 3:51 pm
    Spoiler:Weeeell actually we aren't even sure to this point he 'actually' likes her. I mean, he does, but Eunju is still on his mind. Guess you can't erase first love that easily #-.-) But the Dongtae at tha... Akikosenpai

    hahaha i feel you so much. as i read more yaoi, i tend to avoid or skim through romance scenes (tho i dont hate them) but if i were given a choice, i'd be like, ''SHOW ME MORE MOOYOUNG AND TAEBIN SCENES''!!
