Is it just me or are those

xokiminightmare January 20, 2016 10:36 pm

freaking terrifying T_T I almost cried when they said Asami would turn straight and they'd never be reunited (/TДT)/ waaaa

edit (btw im talking about "Buy me a damn copy pages")
and "they" is asami/aki

    O.O January 18, 2016 1:34 pm

    What the hell are you talking about?! Did too much fanfic get to you?

    tokidoki January 18, 2016 2:31 pm
    What the hell are you talking about?! Did too much fanfic get to you? @O.O

    Ummm...this comment is taken from the scan group credit pages ... not fan fic, with comments like "buy a copy or Fei will go bald"

    xokiminightmare January 18, 2016 6:41 pm

    I'm talking about the "BUY A DAMN COPY" pages for credits. xD geesh

    xokiminightmare January 18, 2016 6:42 pm

    Id link the pages :o but this manga is super longgg :l i think they were around ch20s or so

    Asami January 18, 2016 7:18 pm
    Ummm...this comment is taken from the scan group credit pages ... not fan fic, with comments like "buy a copy or Fei will go bald" tokidoki

    I remember that page xD
    ...I ended up buying a copy

    O.O January 19, 2016 10:55 am

    Oh, well excuse me for not knowing who ''they'' were in this context and for not memorizing every page of Viewfinder, credits page included. How shameful of me!

    tokidoki January 19, 2016 11:23 am
    Oh, well excuse me for not knowing who ''they'' were in this context and for not memorizing every page of Viewfinder, credits page included. How shameful of me! @O.O

    There is no reason to be snarky about this. All these comments here were merely letting you know where xokiminightmare was getting her comment from, and that those who replied noticed the funny comments on the scan pages. Lighten up.

    O.O January 19, 2016 12:44 pm

    I got it, tokidoki! No snark, no sass, no personality whatsoever. I just need to lighten up and be a good little reader. Any other useful tips in how I choose to phrase a comment and will that be all?

    Anonymous January 19, 2016 1:36 pm
    I got it, tokidoki! No snark, no sass, no personality whatsoever. I just need to lighten up and be a good little reader. Any other useful tips in how I choose to phrase a comment and will that be all? @O.O

    Oooh, someone is in a bad mood. What's got your panties in a twist? "Personality??" try bitchy. This fandom sometimes breeds people like you, and those who are nice do not need your crabby mood taken out on them.

    J Unleashed January 19, 2016 4:51 pm

    So xokiminightmare... did you BUY A DAMN COPY? Because if Fei Long goes bald and Asami goes straight, then we know who to blame :P

    *readies the torches and pitchforks*

    Anoni Grrl January 19, 2016 11:53 pm
    I remember that page xD...I ended up buying a copy Asami

    Better safe than sorry. :)

    Lysandra January 20, 2016 3:42 am
    Oooh, someone is in a bad mood. What's got your panties in a twist? "Personality??" try bitchy. This fandom sometimes breeds people like you, and those who are nice do not need your crabby mood taken out on the... @Anonymous

    To be fair, Anon: It also wouldn't have hurt the OP to take 5s in order to string a proper English sentence together and say upfront what she was referring to, rather than have everyone guessing what on earth she was on about (or wonder what she was "on"). Just saying. *shrugs* I mean it's not as if that was particulary obvious - unless you sleep, eat and breathe Viewfinder, I guess.

    Nonni January 20, 2016 5:55 am
    To be fair, Anon: It also wouldn't have hurt the OP to take 5s in order to string a proper English sentence together and say upfront what she was referring to, rather than have everyone guessing what on earth s... @Lysandra

    To be fair, Lysandra: It also doesn't hurt for the OP to make special a joke for Viewfinder readers who did see it. Just saying. *shrugs* I mean because some get it and laugh does not mean they sleep, eat, and breathe Viewfinder. Some have not noticed it and may ask about it and this is how an interesting conversation begins. OP is not responsible to spoon feed you everything you don't know. Try to pick up the spoon and feed yourself. Or ignore it if it bothers you. There is no reason to act rude which you have done.

    Anoni Grrl January 20, 2016 4:12 pm
    To be fair, Anon: It also wouldn't have hurt the OP to take 5s in order to string a proper English sentence together and say upfront what she was referring to, rather than have everyone guessing what on earth s... @Lysandra

    I didn't know what the OP meant right away--but I would probably have asked "What do you mean?" Rather than "What the hell..." I am sure neither person meant to start anything, but t is so easy to set the wrong tone. I do it all the time by mistake. It cost nothing to be nice (though people don't like to be told to be polite, so it's a losing battle either way).

    xokiminightmare January 20, 2016 10:35 pm
    So xokiminightmare... did you BUY A DAMN COPY? Because if Fei Long goes bald and Asami goes straight, then we know who to blame :P *readies the torches and pitchforks* J Unleashed

    XD i didnt haha I guess I'm to blame then if next chapter we see no more luxurious silky hair and asami with a women

    *prepares for torches and pitchforks*

    o.o im not even sure where to buy lol

    Lysandra January 21, 2016 9:02 pm
    To be fair, Lysandra: It also doesn't hurt for the OP to make special a joke for Viewfinder readers who did see it. Just saying. *shrugs* I mean because some get it and laugh does not mean they sleep, eat, and ... @Nonni

    Excuse me?!? The one being rude here right now, is YOU, Nonni! For the record: I am NOT "anonymous"! So I wasn't the one originally commenting on the OP's post, in fact, I didn't comment on the OP's post AT ALL! I was just making a general observation regarding this conversation and I was making said observation to tokidoki and NOT to you. And there was absolutely nothing rude about my post. So kindly keep your assumptions and accusations to yourself and learn to differentiate between people posting here, okay? Thank you very much!

    Lysandra January 21, 2016 9:07 pm
    Excuse me?!? The one being rude here right now, is YOU, Nonni! For the record: I am NOT "anonymous"! So I wasn't the one originally commenting on the OP's post, in fact, I didn't comment on the OP's post AT ALL... @Lysandra

    EDIT: And to specify: My original post was addressed to anon number 2 as well as tokidoki who had been commenting on the post by anon number 1 (the first reply to the OP). And again. I, myself, did say NOTHING to the OP at any stage nor was my post rude or am I said anon number one (or any other anon, for that matter). I have NO idea why Nonni or whoever feel they can come here and make false accusations like that. Is that what the board has become? Wow.

    Lysandra January 21, 2016 9:16 pm
    I didn't know what the OP meant right away--but I would probably have asked "What do you mean?" Rather than "What the hell..." I am sure neither person meant to start anything, but t is so easy to set the wrong... Anoni Grrl

    Ironically, that was my original point which I was trying to make earlier. True, the reply by anon 1 wasn't the nicest response on the planet and she could have asked differently, but it wouldn't have hurt either, if the OP had taken the time to clarify in her initial post what she was in fact talking about. Everyone would have understood what the post was about and no snarky responses would have followed. Give and take. Two sides of the coin. Takes two to tango. But as you said, getting that across is a bit of a losing battle around here, it seems. And one can see what happens when, as a third and in fact neutral party, one tries to point these things out. Rude comments and false accusations are what one gets. I like to read some people's great comments. But on the whole, I have to say I have pretty much given up on this board. It's like this really nasty kindergarten. In the words of Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this sh..."

    Hanne January 21, 2016 9:39 pm

    Wow, there seems to be a lot of anger and accusations happening here. Maybe everyone should take a step back and think about what they are saying. And the old adage holds true here "you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar".