Is bullying a normal occurrence in Korean or are all the manhwas just exaggerating? At fir...

Hot & Spicy February 18, 2021 11:16 pm

Is bullying a normal occurrence in Korean or are all the manhwas just exaggerating? At first I only took it for pure imaginations and simply as works of art by all the authors, but there are just far too many manhwas about bullying in Korea so I was just wondering.

    SmallBoi February 19, 2021 11:38 am

    The bullying isn’t all exaggerated, there are some parts where yes it for the effect but things about teachers not taking bulling seriously or the police getting bribed by money, and the actual bullying of students getting beaten up, asking to bark like a dog if they don’t want to get beaten up again is all true. The news never reports it bc the people who have power and money pay the school to be silent.

    Hot & Spicy February 19, 2021 12:06 pm
    The bullying isn’t all exaggerated, there are some parts where yes it for the effect but things about teachers not taking bulling seriously or the police getting bribed by money, and the actual bullying of st... SmallBoi

    Wow... that’s pretty bad if it’s like that. I thought all the things about mass bullying, teachers and police were only exaggerated, but... just wow. In my country if there’s repeated offence, the minor can be taken away from his family (no matter who the parents are) and put to a rehabilitation facility, since it’s considered child abuse if your child behaves like that.

    MMM February 19, 2021 5:30 pm

    Watch the drama Extracurricular, it gives a bit more of a realistic view to the bullying at least

    a5427kn February 20, 2021 6:26 am

    It’s a rare occurrence for it to be at all like this like .001% chance this is all exaggerated