Hey guys I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this

Nyay February 18, 2021 6:55 pm

But I can't imagine a better place LMAO. I just noticed how a lot of people in the BL community hate sekes. Even the simple idea of it. It surprised and bothered the hell out of me especially as a gay man. Sure tops and bottoms exist irl but people still switch in most relationships, heck people do in every relationship I've heard and encountered especially long term ones. Heck even I who label myself a bottom, would still top. (Veryveryveryveryvery rarely I must say lmao)

Honestly I have a lot more to say and even theories as to why but I know that that would only lead to an argument. So let me just ask you guys what you think about sekes. If you hate them, why?

    Yoongi’sUndercut February 18, 2021 7:02 pm

    Wait why would people hate switches? The way I see it even if I hated doing it myself I wouldn’t push my beliefs onto other people

    ~nya~ February 18, 2021 7:06 pm

    I think the reason most people don't like sekes is because it has been imbibed in our minds from an early age that in a relationship one is supposed to take a male role and the other a female role whether in straight or same sex relations and the same can be said for most of the bls too . So people just bind to this gender roles theory and get irked if this dynamic changes ... I guess it feels wrong to them.
    But well again we need to keep in mind that this is fiction it doesn't depicts real life ,it may shape the way we think about relations but the more deeper people will get into life the more they'll know that gender roles are just superficial and relationships are much more complex than fulfilling those stereotypes.
    Sorry for the long rant tho ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    fannnngirl February 18, 2021 7:12 pm
    I think the reason most people don't like sekes is because it has been imbibed in our minds from an early age that in a relationship one is supposed to take a male role and the other a female role whether in st... ~nya~

    couldn't have said it better myself

    Nyay February 18, 2021 7:20 pm
    I think the reason most people don't like sekes is because it has been imbibed in our minds from an early age that in a relationship one is supposed to take a male role and the other a female role whether in st... ~nya~

    I thought of that too, but that just makes it weirder to me. I mean the idea of BL itself already defies gender roles and norms It's literally romance between two men. Haha

    Nyay February 18, 2021 7:23 pm
    Wait why would people hate switches? The way I see it even if I hated doing it myself I wouldn’t push my beliefs onto other people Yoongi’sUndercut

    Ikr. It confuses me too. Makes me want to know if people who hate sekes actually know any gay people irl.

    Mint February 18, 2021 7:28 pm

    Well i don't particularly hate it, man people just get so easily butthurt these days, don't mind them. With that being said as a girl i think the role switching is kind of... uncomfortable? Or turn off (to me)? Seeing my partner getting dicked that is, i mean in bed the so-called "bottom" role SuPpOsEdLy likes the feeling of being dominated, like they're SuPpOsEdLy a bit masochist, as to straight relationships where woman getting dicked, the woman is commonly submissive. Yeah sooo when i know, say, a manga, 's couple is seke, i don't read it; i read it once by accident and when i see the guy who was dicking before getting dicked in the second round, i went from "aaahh he's so hot yasss pound that hole" to "uuuuhhh whyyy noo where's is my original top supremacy" lol. Like i wouldn't like to see my boyfriend being dicked by a dick you know... but that's just me rambling. I believe the sex is hot and heavy if both parties feel good, the outsiders can shut the fuck up. I actually think people like me who is uncomfortable with seke concept is more rare dude, most of my friends go crazy about it, they be "ah that's hot that's hot" everytime seke is mentioned

    ~nya~ February 18, 2021 7:31 pm
    I thought of that too, but that just makes it weirder to me. I mean the idea of BL itself already defies gender roles and norms It's literally romance between two men. Haha Nyay

    I know that BL depicts romance between two men but still they don't really wander too far off from the so called “male" and “female" roles. That's one of the reasons that there's always an “uke" or “seme", the terms most likely used to define those roles in bls. But sometimes the authors do change the dynamic and switch their personalities eg. making the uke more outgoing and masculine and the seme more timid and shy but the roles still do apply to them right. I think there are only a few bls that defy this norm and one of them is dark heaven.
    But ah well they'll always make more product of what sells so if the gender roles has a bigger market than multidimensional characters then yup this will have more content in general.

    Nyay February 18, 2021 7:34 pm
    Well i don't particularly hate it, man people just get so easily butthurt these days, don't mind them. With that being said as a girl i think the role switching is kind of... uncomfortable? Or turn off (to me)?... Mint

    Oh sure, I'm not saying majority of people hate sekes, I'm just wondering why those who do does. Thanks for answering and sharing your insights!

    Nyay February 18, 2021 7:42 pm
    I know that BL depicts romance between two men but still they don't really wander too far off from the so called “male" and “female" roles. That's one of the reasons that there's always an “uke" or “sem... ~nya~

    Yeah I thought about it and realized that maybe it really is that simple. As you said, most characters in BL, despite being men, are still pretty much gendered. Which is kinda counterintuitive. That sucks. I guess it was just hard for me to accept that people who enjoy romance between men who are essentially gay, still clench on standards that are pretty much meant to exclude us. Thanks for the insights!

    ~nya~ February 18, 2021 8:06 pm
    Yeah I thought about it and realized that maybe it really is that simple. As you said, most characters in BL, despite being men, are still pretty much gendered. Which is kinda counterintuitive. That sucks. I ... Nyay

    I know it's sad but don't fret too much about it , I think the new generation is a lot more accepting and hope this too will change soon.
    Thanks for reading these long paras btw (●'◡'●)ノ

    ~nya~ February 18, 2021 8:06 pm
    couldn't have said it better myself fannnngirl


    ~nya~ February 18, 2021 8:07 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Wasabi Streetfighter

    Ahahaha totally agree with you there (▰˘◡˘▰)