I never really liked Ibelina from the start like I always thought she had just a bit TOO m...

theonethatsneverright February 18, 2021 1:31 pm

I never really liked Ibelina from the start like I always thought she had just a bit TOO much attention given to her. Like it seems like the people in the manhwa have never encountered any other beautiful women and were all stuck on her.
Ibelina was always surrounded by attention and love from people and that would be great environment to grow up in however she failed to recognize that some of the attention she was getting was for something else. She OBVIOUSLY can not be blamed for this as I think she's still a bit naïve but I think in the back of her mind she knew.
think Ibelina might start to chase after Arwin now and start to hate Latte because Arwin used to be interested in her and because she's never faced rejection before she might start to go after Arwin. Then I think The crown prince and Kenneth will start to be jealous of Arwin and slowly come to realise he only likes Latte.
Honestly I dont think Ibelina deserves any of them. And the crown prince and Kenneth only really like her because of her looks and talent like you know at the festival they watched a really boring play none of them were interested in it except for Ibelina.

    demon-san February 18, 2021 1:46 pm

    Me too i didn't like her from when she appeared