
rev February 18, 2021 10:58 am

can somebody please explain to me how is it rape?? i dont really understand how it went since that guy came with his own feet there, probably expecting that?? (i think) im not trying to make it sound mean or that i am provoking somebody, i am genuinely confused

    Feronia February 18, 2021 11:17 am

    No matter what stage you're in during sex when somebody tells you to stop you stop. That's just decent human behaviour. Otherwise you're doing something the other didn't consent for. Forcing a bj on someone unwilling in this case, as far as I'm concerned, counts as assault. For some reason they romanticize this in yaoi. There're some new ones which are above this trope but the number of BL with non consent content outweighs the rest. At the end of the day this is just fiction. You may choose to read this sort of stories. I think the important thing is knowing this is not the norm for healthy consensual sex.

    rev February 18, 2021 11:20 am
    No matter what stage you're in during sex when somebody tells you to stop you stop. That's just decent human behaviour. Otherwise you're doing something the other didn't consent for. Forcing a bj on someone un... Feronia

    ahh, i get it, thank you a lot for explaining to me!