Thank u sm for pointing this out, this website is going down hill because of this matter tbh
There's some people deciding to translate despite they don't even know how, just because (i quote) bored ... and they only use Google translation and bad raws, the sad part is they r killing any other chance for that manhwa/manga to get a better translation with good quality ..
And the annoying part is readers defending them and attacking anyone saying "i dont understand" ..
Lately it happened with
- dear door
- mania
- and the most recent one "chess pieces" ..
All of the above titles has an official English translation, but people couldn't wait and kept uploading with low quality translation which it killed the plot cause we couldn't understand wtf is going on ...
It's so sad since we obviously all poor and come here to read for free, but people make it worst by saying "u r reading for free so be grateful for someone who's using google translator + rsws well i can do that as well .. so why saying thank u for someone who's actually ruining the reading and website for me ????
Please if u don't know to do it, then don't ..

Yup totally agree it's very selfish of them to do it. I feel bad for the groups out there having to work so much time on chapters. But to only see them uploaded already and terrible quality. It's almost like they're mocking them in a way.
Anyone who is attacking the groups should feel horrible. They should be happy enough we get good quality work from these groups. All of them put a lot of time and effort into these chapters.
I've also recognize people only uploading 4-7 pages for a "chapter" upload. like wtf?? Those piss me off the most. Why even do that when we've been waiting so long just to post three pages???So fucking weird lol
Why is it when people know there are translating, scanning groups made for these manga series. That people are still impatient and making their own uploads? Half of them are not even good and barely understandable. And it makes the groups who are working hard mad. Why is this becoming a trend on here?
I get it they feel like they can do a good job. But if someone is already working hard on the project and they just do that. It's kinda rude in my opinion.
Sorry I just had to rant about it. Cause I've seen it happen a lot lately. Some manga series are ever dropped too.